Increase your store’s revenue by up to 20% with upselling

Upselling improves your average order value—minimal effort, maximum results!

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Increase your store’s revenue by up to 20% with upselling

Here’s how it works

Customer selects a product

Set up your upsells for all or specific products.

Customer selects a product

Customer gets an upselling offer

Offer a targeted deal, with or without a discount.

Customer gets an upselling offer

Both products are delivered

You’ve effectively increased the order value.

Both products are delivered

Launch a Sellfy store & try our upselling feature today

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Common ways to use upselling

Many ways to use upselling, here’s some inspiration to get you started.

Offer a free product + upsell a paid one

Provide a free product and then upsell a paid one. Free products act as effective tripwires, making it easier to sell a paid product after obtaining the initial “YES”.

Offer a free product + upsell a paid oneUse the “Buy One, Get One (BOGO)” tactic

Use the “Buy One, Get One (BOGO)” tactic

“BOGO” is a great way to boost your store's conversion rates. Offering a free item with a purchase is like a 50% off sale. With upsells, you control what’s paid for, what’s free, and which items are on sale!

Upsell themed merchandise

For artists, launching digital products alongside merchandise is a smart strategy. When someone buys your new digital product, upsell them on a themed piece of merch.

Upsell themed merchandise
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”The upselling feature is probably my favorite. I’ve been using that a lot... When I looked into it and tried it out, I was like, “Wow, this is great.”

David Killingsworth
David Killingsworth

Boost your store’s efficiency with upselling

Increase average order value

Increase average order value

Encourage customers to buy more from you.
Monetize free content

Monetize free content

Offer a freebie and upsell a paid product.
Improve conversion rates

Improve conversion rates

Create cool offers to incentivize your buyers.
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Open a Sellfy store today & earn more with upselling

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Loved by 60,000+
creators and entrepreneurs
Open a Sellfy store today & earn more with upselling


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What is upselling, and how can it benefit my online store?

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Can I customize upsell offers based on customer behavior with Sellfy?

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How to set up the upselling feature?

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Does Sellfy provide analytics to track the effectiveness of upselling strategies?

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