Issue coupons & run sales for your products

Run sales, set countdown timers, issue coupons, and more—all directly within Sellfy!

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Issue coupons & run sales for your products

Here’s how it works

Choose products to promote

Select from all products or specific ones.

Choose products to promote

Set up a sale or issue coupons

Decide on the discount type and set the conditions.

Set up a sale or issue coupons

Launch the sale

Make the sale on-going or time limited.

Launch the sale

Launch a Sellfy store & set up your first promotion today!

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Best ways to use discounts

Here’s some inspiration to get you started.

Run holiday sales

Big annual events like Black Friday are perfect for promoting your products via email. During these special holidays, people are ready to snatch up your deals and make purchases.

Run holiday salesOffer a “secret” coupon

Offer a “secret” coupon

Generate interest in your product by offering a limited-time “secret” coupon. Share it exclusively with a targeted audience, such as email or YouTube subscribers, to make them feel special. The limited availability will create urgency and excitement.

Launch a presale offer

Offering presale access not only deters piracy but also encourages legitimate purchases. By providing early access to customers, you reduce the risk of piracy. Presale offers often include special deals, giving customers added incentive to buy legitimately.

Launch a presale offer
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Run your promos like a pro with the discounts feature

Use a countdown timer

Use a countdown timer

Add scarcity for your offers with a timer.
Discount badge

Discount badge

Customize a discount badge for your products.
Offer percentage or fixed discounts

Offer percentage or fixed discounts

Select the type of discount you want to apply.
Set discount limits

Set discount limits

Set purchase limits for discounted products.
Schedule sales

Schedule sales

Schedule the start and end dates for your sale.
Track your sales

Track your sales

Track coupon codes and measure your campaigns.
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”I like using Sellfy’s coupon codes. I’ve had a lot of success with that. It’s so easy to just go in and create discounts and coupons.”

Emma Chieppor
Emma Chieppor
Founder of Excel Dictionary

Open a Sellfy store & set up your first promotion today!

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Loved by 60,000+
creators and entrepreneurs
Open a Sellfy store & set up your first promotion today!


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Why are discounts and promotions important for driving sales?

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How can I create and manage discounts with Sellfy?

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Can I apply discounts to specific products or customer segments with Sellfy?

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Does Sellfy provide insights into the performance of discount campaigns?

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