Start selling tools online today

You don’t have to spend a lot of time and effort to start selling online. Try Sellfy and start selling within 10 minutes!
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Launch your tools business with Sellfy

Whether you want to host your own beautiful storefront, or use an embeddable shopping cart, Sellfy has you covered.
Create a new store

Open a store

Whether you’re looking for a way to sell custom, vintage, or niche tools (or anything in between)—your search is over. With Sellfy, you can create an online store from scratch without any previous experience and start selling in less than 10 minutes. All you have to do is spend a few minutes to customize the layout, upload photos of your tools, add some product descriptions, and you’re ready togo.

Sell from Existing Website

Sell from anywhere

Even if you’re selling something as specific as tools, most of your potential customers hang out on social media, not construction sites. So you need to make sure that you reach every possible customer segment. Luckily, we’ve managed to make selling on social media, your own website, personal blog, orany other platform of your choice smooth and effortless.

We have everything you need

Payment options
You’ll sell directly to your customers by simply connecting to PayPal and Stripe for card payments. We’ve made sure that accepting payments with Sellfy is 100% safe and hassle-free.
Premium support
Don’t be afraid to ask for help when you need it. We’re here to address any issues and answer all questions you may have 24/7—before, during, and after your free trial.
Beautiful store
We know how important it is to build a unique brand. Sellfy makes customization so easy that you can actually create a beautiful online store in just a few clicks.
Zero learning curve
Why wait until tomorrow when you can start selling today! You only need 10 minutes to start your store.

Create your own tools store in less than 10 minutes

Quick sign up, no credit card required.
Start 14-day free trial today

Build your way up

Marketing tools

Not sure how to attract more customers? Take advantage of Sellfy’s built-in marketing tools to help you drive more traffic to your store. You have everything you need in one place—email marketing, time-sensitive discounts, pay-what-you-want pricing, and so much more.

Powerful app integrations

Keep track of your store’s activity through Webhooks. Add Facebook LiveChat for smoother communication with your customers. Set up GoogleAnalytics, Patreon, FB pixel, or use Zapier to find any other app you may need.

How to start selling tools?

You don’t need web design or coding experience to build an online store with Sellfy. Just follow these steps:

1. Sign up for a Sellfy account
2. Customize the layout
3. Add your first product
4. Start selling

Why sell tools now?

Broad target market

One of the main perks of a broad market niche is the chance to reach the maximum number of potential customers at any time.

eCommerce is growing

eCommerce is growing at an unexpected rate all over the world. In fact, online retail sales are predicted to grow by $6.5 trillion by 2023.

Evergreen product

Toolmaking developed more than 2.6 million years ago, and it’s not going to disappear anytime soon. Whether you rent or own a home, having a good set of tools is absolutely essential for every household.

Starting is easy

Making your own tools requires knowledge, tons of patience, and years of practice. Building a store with Sellfy requires nothing more than 10 minutes of your time.

More than $100,000,000 paid to sellers just like you

Poetic Themes

WordPress theme seller

Sellfy simplified the process of selling digital products in a way I haven't seen before.

Christian Mate Grab


Making 5-figures for the first time with Sellfy really helped me fulfill my filmmaking dreams! I never imagined that filmmaking and photography presets are so asked!

James Gurney


Sellfy offers useful tools for any visual artist, digital or traditional, who wants to market their own tutorials. You can sell any kind of digital product, not just video files, but also images, digital books, PDFs, or audio files.


Start making money selling tools today

Quick sign up, no credit card required.
Start Your 14-day Free Trial