Forget about hosting problems, product limits, and transaction fees. With Sellfy you can build your own online store in minutes without any technical experience. Use the built-in editor to customize the layout, add your first products, and start making money.
Already have a website you want to sell from? Simply embed the specific products or the whole storefront, and let people buy your notes without leaving your website.
Attract more customers by distributing free study notes, or offering pay-what-you-want pricing for selected products. Drive sales with our discounts and upselling features, or by running a major sale right before the exam season. Use Sellfy's built-in marketing tools to stay in touch with your customers and inform them about the newest arrivals.
Sellfy offers a list of powerful app integrations that will maximize the functionality of your store. Add Facebook and Twitter pixels, Google Analytics, and more. We also have a Zapier integration that gives you access to 750 apps.
Opening a store with Sellfy is incredibly easy. Just follow these steps:
1. Sign up for a Sellfy account.
2. Add your products.
3. Promote your store.
4. Start selling.
Sellfy offers useful tools for any visual artist, digital or traditional, who wants to market their own tutorials. You can sell any kind of digital product, not just video files, but also images, digital books, PDFs, or audio files.
One of the things I really appreciate about Sellfy is I know exactly where my source of sales traffic is generated (Facebook, Twitter, Soundcloud, etc). I can track sales on a daily / monthly basis. It also tracks buyers and allows me to reach out directly (through Sellfy’s email tool).
Sellfy simplified the process of selling digital products in a way I haven't seen before.