A Squarespace alternative that's actually meant for digital downloads

Digital file sizes can vary from a couple of megabyte PDFs to few gigabytes large video files. So when picking a platform for selling digital files it's wise to check out the maximum file size limit. Sellfy lets you upload and sell files up to 5GB.
SquareSpace gives you all the necessary eCommerce capabilities. That said, sometimes you just want to be more effective. Sellfy is one of the few eCommerce platforms that has a built-in up sell feature. Easily add an up sell to any product and when it's placed in the shopping cart a popup with an offer will appear!
We're a platform that's actually meant for digital downloads and we do all what's possible to secure your files.For example - your file downloads are limited to 5 and you can automatically add buyers email address to your PDF files.
Sellfy simplified the process of selling digital products in a way I haven't seen before.
I was surprised by how fast and easy it was to start my business with Sellfy. Now I can focus completely on the creation of new and beautiful products, expanding my range of goods, and giving support to my customers but leave the financial and delivery part to Sellfy.
Really satisfied with the whole store, customization abilities, and really fast check-outs. The added upsell and discount coupons help to boost even more sales!