Digital file sizes can vary from a couple of megabyte PDFs to few gigabytes large video files. So when picking a platform for selling digital files it's wise to check out the maximum file size limit. Sellfy lets you upload and sell files up to 5GB.
SquareSpace gives you all the necessary eCommerce capabilities. That said, sometimes you just want to be more effective. Sellfy is one of the few eCommerce platforms that has a built-in up sell feature. Easily add an up sell to any product and when it's placed in the shopping cart a popup with an offer will appear!
We're a platform that's actually meant for digital downloads and we do all what's possible to secure your files.For example - your file downloads are limited to 5 and you can automatically add buyers email address to your PDF files.
One of the things I really appreciate about Sellfy is I know exactly where my source of sales traffic is generated (Facebook, Twitter, Soundcloud, etc). I can track sales on a daily / monthly basis. It also tracks buyers and allows me to reach out directly (through Sellfy’s email tool).
Sellfy made selling online extremely easy and straightforward, there’s no hassle and your products take literally minutes to set up. With impressive sales and very reasonable fees, I’ve had nothing but good fortune with them.
Making 5-figures for the first time with Sellfy really helped me fulfill my filmmaking dreams! I never imagined that filmmaking and photography presets are so asked!