How Christian Maté Grab is making 6 figures by selling LUTs on Sellfy

Take us to the beginning. What lead you to designing LUTs and Lightroom Presets?
When I started to pick up a camera three years ago, I was never happy with my videos and photos from our travels. That’s why I got into color grading and editing my footage till it perfectly matched the feeling from the exact moment.
When I learned about LUTs and how you can apply different cinematic looks I quickly started to create my own LUTs and Lightroom Presets. From time to time more and more people wanted to know how to achieve that special look, so I decided to open my store on Sellfy so those filmmakers or photographers who just started would have a good base for their own creations.
Which is your favorite content to create for your followers and what is the work process behind it?
Creating cinematic vlogs from our travels is what I like the most. But, on the other hand, creating tutorials about filmmaking and gear is still the best performing format on my channel. And to be honest, I never plan anything weeks ahead, like a lot of YouTubers do. I love to be spontaneous when it comes to capturing a trip, an adventure or a regular day.
Just grab a camera, take some friends and live life. Most times that’s when the best videos are created.
CMG VINTAGE LIGHTROOM PRESET. It gives a film look and a bit of fade that’s similar to your Instagram pictures. How would you describe your personal photo editing style?
Your best-selling Lightroom preset isI got asked this question lately for a local newspaper interview, and I really can’t answer that. I simply try to capture moments in an aesthetic way, but I’m not a fan of „everything looks the same.“
The process of finding your „own style“ is a journey which takes a lifetime,in my opinion, and you can’t grow when you always do the same.
That’s why I focus on creating a different look for the different places we visit, when working on a new preset or a video look.
YouTube channel. What are the challenges in choosing the right gear for yourself?
You also talk a lot about the gear for filmmaking on yourI always try to tell people that they don’t need the most expensive or latest gear to tell a great story. But in fact – I got that G.A.S. (Gear acquisition syndrome), as well. I love to play around with new stuff and tech! Last year, I bought so many lenses and cameras to find what fits my needs, but in the end, it’s just a tool to perfect your story, no matter what you’re shooting. If you’ve got the money, go for that new setup. But, if you’re just starting out, use the things you already have, even if it’s your phone.
Where do you get inspiration for new LUTs and Lightroom Presets to sell on your Sellfy shop?
Most of my inspiration for new presets I take from exploring new countries. When I dropped all the footage from a recent trip to my hard drive, I started to remember places in a unique way. That’s how I began to create the Lightroom Presets. Oh, and watching a lot of movies have helped me as well.
What do you think are your keys to success in filmmaking and selling LUTs?
I think the color and look of a video or photo is the most important thing when it comes to telling a story and making the viewer feel an emotion.
Making those looks accessible to everyone even without being a professional colorist is what makes my Sellfy shop that successful.
What would you recommend to your fellow creators?
Just follow your passion. Things will work out! If you need any help with filmmaking, photography or being self-employed, make sure to check out the new YouTube Live Stream we just started on my channel. I will give you some advice and answers to all of your questions.
Check out Christian’s Sellfy store and his Youtube channel.
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