29 Must-Have Cheat Sheets for Web Designers

Cheat sheets. A simple way to remember something or help you learn. There’s always a useful shortcut to forget, a command you fail to remember, a newly introduced function that slips your mind or element you cease to think of.
I know you switched to Sketch years ago, but just today you need to edit this psd file and you can’t for the love of God remember the shortcut for art history brush tool.
Wouldn’t it make your life so much easier if all the cheat sheets you need would be stored in one place?
Well fear no more, this collection of 29 must-have cheat sheets for web designers has got you covered. With everything from CSS&HTML to Sketch and Photoshop cheat sheets, you can save yourself a lot of time googling later and just bookmark this page.
Feeling lazy? Just grab this cheat sheet of cheat sheets for web designers and get all 29 items (plus two more items that are not covered in this article) in one place. GIMME!
CSS – Cascading Style Sheets
CSS Cheatsheet via OverAPI.com
#1.Media Queries Cheat Sheet
#2.Responsive Web Design Cheatsheet
#3.Check Compatabilty of Default Local Fonts
4.HTML – HyperText Markup Language
HTML5 Tag Cheatsheet
#5.HTML Elements Index
6.HTML5 Cheat Sheet by Antonio Lupetti
#7.JavaScript & jQuery
jQuery Quick API Reference
#8.Javascript Cheatsheet via OverAPI.com
Printable Markdown Cheatsheet
#10.Popular CSS Frameworks
Master Cheatsheet for Bootstrap 3
#11.Complete Font Awesome Icon Reference Cheatsheet
12.Bootstrap 3 Glyphicons Cheatsheet
13.Foundation 5 Cheatsheet
14.WordPress Cheat Sheet
WordPress: What You Need to Know in One Sheet
#15.WordPress Cheat Sheet
#16.The Ultimate WordPress Development Checklist
#17.Browser Dev Tools
Chrome Devtools Cheatsheet
#18.19. Firebug Keyboard Shortcuts and Mouse Actions Cheat Sheet
Git & GitHub
#20. Git Cheatsheet
Sublime Text
List of commonly used sublime-text commands (WIN)
#21.Sublime Text 3 OSX Cheatsheet
#22.Email & Newsletters
MailChimp Merge Tags Cheatsheet
#23.24. Campaign Monitor Template Cheatsheet
Social Media
Social Media Dimensions Cheatsheet
The Web Developer’s SEO Cheatsheet by Moz
#26.#27. Perfect On Page SEO by Backlinko
Graphic Editors
Sketch 3 Visual Cheatsheet
#28.Adobe Photoshop Keyboard Shortcuts
#29.Adobe Illustrator Keyboard Shortcuts
#30.Over to You
So what do you think of this collection of cheat sheets? Did you find it useful? Is there anything else you would like to see in this collection? Do you have a cheat sheet you have developed and want to share? Let me know in the comments section below.