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Building Confidence for Kids

Welcome to your first issue of Building Self Confidence. In each issue of Building Self Confidence, you will learn valuable information on how you can successfully build your self-confidence and live life feeling strong, confident and self-assured. In this issue we are going to talk about the signs of low self-confidence and how you can recognize them and begin to conquer self-doubt. While there is no single factor that leads to a lack of confidence. Most often, it is the accumulation of negative experiences from our past, which we fail to deal with when they happen. It is also the result of our failure to recognize who we truly are and what hinders to our own growth. Low self-confidence is defeating. It can define us and cause us to beat ourselves up emotionally. It can limit our abilities and keep us from growing and moving forward from our mistakes, failures and defeats. It confines us to our comfort zone where everything is safe from potential humiliation and further mistakes. We then are stuck in that comfort zone believing that we shouldn’t more away from it because if we do we will only be left hurt and disappointed. Once you are stuck in that zone, it is very hard to move forward in life, which keeps us from achieving our dreams, reaching our goals and living a rich full life. Even when we tell ourselves that no matter how harsh and messed up things get, we shouldn’t surrender to the inner critic that thrives inside us we are still filled with a self-doubt and a profound lack of confidence. Low self-confidence usually develops during our childhood. Unfortunately, many of us have family, teachers, friends and enemies who are more than happy to point out our mistakes and/or faults rather than praising our talents. They may not even realize what they’re doing or how big an impact they are having on your self-confidence. They may not even say anything to your face, but often their actions speak louder than words, which makes us feel inadequate and worthless early on in your developmental years.