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Healing through Emotional Release Guided Meditation

Run times:
Healing Through Emotional Release Guided Meditation 43:19
Healing Through Emotional Release.1 Guided Meditation 42:19 
*Track .1 has no background music/sound added to it*

Channeled message I received from ArchAngel Michael in 1996...
"It is a human belief that you need to bring your past traumas to the human surface in order to heal, clear and release them. The human body has gone through an experience that it has deemed to be a trauma. Regardless of where the human body has felt or experienced the trauma, they are all stored within the human cells, mind and emotional body. What the human element considers to be a trauma, will create separation within the human energy fields which then creates further complications within, and for, the human body. The human mind, emotional body and what is then known as incomplete cells will use traumas to limit and prevent you from knowing your power and limitlessness.  Address your traumas by giving them your full permission to leave all aspects of you now and forever more from exactly where they are and allow yourself to be free." 

Allow these amazing healers of love and light to assist you in an emotional release through all that you are as you cleanse and clear the traumas and all else that holds you back from your limitlessness. Your liquid body will continue to run over and through you - washing away all that needs to go on all levels and through all that you are, have been and will be with this powerful meditation.

Channeled message: We will be working on many things during this meditation, some will be said by this channel (Renae') and many will not be spoken as there are no human words that can explain all we will be doing. We come in love and light and will only do all that is in your highest and best good and all your Higher Self approves of.  This channel brings forth the Council that governs not only energetic laws, but all that is. This ensures all is in your highest and best good and in only that of pure love and light.  Although it is not necessary - if you so choose, you may set an intention (either out loud or to yourself) before starting this channeled meditation as to anything specific you would like help with on the human realm to ease your human mind and know we will be helping you with that. 

All meditations are channeled, and we only allow in those healers that are the purest of love and light and in your highest and best good.

You do not have to sit in a particular position when doing any of these meditations and you can play them when you go to bed at night. 

You may experience crazy weird dreams after listening to the meditation. Just let them go as they will be related to what you are releasing. 

Please never listen to any meditation while operating a motor vehicle or heavy machinery.

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