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VIDEO - Heavy mane


Mila's hair weighs a LOT! It's some of the thickest hair we have ever seen, and it has a great length as well. Her hair is thigh length now (her hair length goal is knee length), and it's 6 inches thick!
Just to put it in perspective: 4 inches is considered to be thick (or even very thick to someone).
6 inches is approximately the double amount of thickness, which means the double amount of hair as long as each strand is at the same thickness.

Mila's buns are huge, braids are dangerously thick and her ponytails are massive.
She has some very good hair genes, and even more importantly; health and hair care.
She loves caring for her hair and showing off her massive mane to the world, and we love having her as our model as well!

Mila also has some very strong arms after lifting all this hair a lot, every day.

This is an extra long video which you will love!
You will see long hair play and display, buns and bundrops, hair flipping, hair lifting and dropping, hair parting, running her fingers through her hair, hair stroking, hair brushing, ponytail, multiple banded ponytail, pigtails and much more!
All this for a very low price, especially considering Mila is one of the best long hair models in the world with some of the thickest hair you will ever see!

This video is over 21 minutes in length!
Publication date: 2. February 2019

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