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Vehicle Licensing - Single Event

This is a single-event contract that will permit the use of one of our cars for a single event that can last up to four days.

Race Sim Studio is a leading provider of racing car simulation products. We are trusted with clients ranging from the highest tier of motorsport to racing simulator startups. As such, a lot of time, effort and resources go into the development of each car to ensure it is suitable for these purposes.

As Race Sim Studio enables businesses to provide a more realistic form of vehicle experience, all businesses using our cars for professional and commercial purposes, such as public simulator use, must license our work in order to do so. 


To initiate the non-exclusive license agreement process, please follow up on your purchase completing the Agreement Form provided after the sale. 


Note: This is not designed for minor/private league purposes. Such leagues should simply ensure all drivers have purchased the vehicles. League specific discounts are possible.

Sales Policy
This is a non-refundable licensing agreement. If you have any queries prior to making payment, please contact

© 2023 Race Sim Studio. All rights reserved.

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