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ITSE2317- Program 3 Solved

The file, Program3.txt, on the I: drive contains a chronological list of the World Series’ winning teams from 1903 through 2019. The first line in the file is the name of the team that won in 1903, and the last line is the name of the team that won in 2019. (Note that the World Series was not played in 1904 or 1994. There are no entries in the file indicating this.) 


Write a program that reads this file and creates a HashMap in which the keys are the years and each key’s associated value is the name of the team that won that year. The program should also create a HashMap in which the keys are the names of the teams and each key’s associated value is the number of times the team has won the World Series.


The program should prompt the user for a year in the range of 1903 through 2019. It should then display the name of the team that won the World Series that year and the number of times that team has won the World Series.


Allow the user to run the program as many times as possible until a sentinel value of zero (0) has been entered for the year.  


No input, processing or output should happen in the main method.  All work should be delegated to other non-static methods. Include the recommended minimum documentation for each method. 


Run your program five times with 1903, 1924, 1994, 2009, and 2019 as the user input for the year.  Create a folder named, fullname_program3.  Copy your source code and the output file to the folder.  Zip the folder and upload it to Blackboard.


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