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IT210- Fundamentals of Programming Lab 5 Solved

This program requires you to work in a group of two or three write Python code that implements problem Business P5.30 in your text on page 271. That problem is restated here:

Having a secure password is a very important practice when much of our information is stored online. Write a program that validates a new password following these rules:

The password must be at least 8 characters long

    The password must have at least one uppercase and one lowercase letter  The password must have at least one digit

Write a program that asks for a password; then asks again to confirm it. If the passwords don't match or the rules are not fulfilled, prompt again. Your program should include a function that checks whether a password is valid.

Implementation comments:

    Start code has been provided on D2L. Use it.

Simply add to the start code to implement the isValidPassword function. Use and leave the code that have provided to test your function. It must be part of your submitted program.

    Appropriately comment your code and include your name as a comment on the first line.

Each member of the group must make a submission to D2L with your own name as a comment on line 1 and the name or names of other group members on the following lines. If you do the lab solo, I will deduct 20 points. Submit a copy of the lab to the Lab 5 D2L dropbox not later than 11:59 pm Friday evening. Name your file

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