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ECE487-Assignment 8 Solved

1. Change the following IP addresses from binary notation to dotted-decimal notation

a)  01110110  11101110  01100111  01111011

b)  10101110  11000010  11111000  00011101

c)  11011111  11110000  00001110  01011101

d)  11110111  11101111  11000111  00011100


2.               In a block of addresses with mask "/15", we know the IP address of one host is What are the first address and the last address in this block? Please show the addresses using dotted-decimal notation.  

3.               An organization is granted the address block The administrator wants to create 1024 equal-size subnets. Assume no address is left unused after the 1024 subnets are created. 

a)  Find the subnet mask.

b)  Find the number of addresses in each subnet.  

c)  Find the first and last addresses (using dotted-decimal notation) in the first subnet.

Find the first and last addresses (using dotted-decimal notation) in the last subnet.

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