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CSE240- Homework 4 Solved

The aim of this assignment is to make sure that you understand and are familiar with the concepts covered in the lectures, including basic C syntax, using pointers to access strings and multidimensional arrays.  By the end of the assignment, you should have

●       understood the concepts of data, data declaration, forward declaration, and manipulation of values stored in the memory.

●       written a program using pointers to access a variety of other data structures.  


Reading: Textbook Chapter 2, Sections 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, and 2.4, and lecture slides covered. 

Exercising: Complete the multiple choice questions in Textbook Section 2.12. The answers of the questions are available in course Web page.

You are expected to do the majority of the assignment outside the class meetings.   Should you need assistance, or have questions about the assignment, please contact the instructor or the TA during their office hours.   

You are encouraged to ask and answer questions on the course discussion board.  However, in do not share your answers or code in the course discussion board. Do not cooperate with your peers in doing the individual assignments.


Programming Assignment 

1. You are given a C file hw04q1.c which contains a partially completed program. Follow the instructions contained in comments and complete the required functions. You will be rewriting four functions from HW03 (initializeStrings, printStrings, encryptStrings, decryptStrings) using only pointer operations instead of using array operations. In addition to this, you will be writing two new functions (printReversedString, isValidPassword). You should not be using any array operations in any of functions for this assignment. You may use only the strlen() function from string.h library. You can find out more about these functions by reading through the instructions in the hw04q1.c file. Example output is given below.    

 [50 points]


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