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CSE222- HOMEWORK 1 Solved

Course Assistant: Fatma Nur Esirci



1.System  Requirements
System requires guests ,receptionists and manager as user ,and rooms for working  system.

a) Guest’s features
i.    Log in system ii.       Exit system iii.           book an room iv.      cancel a reservation

b) Receptionist’s features
 Log in system

 Exit system  Book an room  cancel a room  check in  check out

c) Manager’s features
 Log in system

 Exit system  Book an room  cancel a room  check in  check out  add  a receptionist  delete a recepionist

2. Class Diagram

3. Use Case Diagram

4.Sequantial diagrams


5. Problem Solution Approach
     This is a simple Hotel Management System. It  should has  properties like logging in system, exiting system,booking a room ,canceling a reservation,add receptionist(only admin) and deleting receptionist(only admin).it is approaced objects to everything Hotel Management System needs with respect to OOP design.”User” interface includes some common funcion(write,read functions from file,show menu(operation menu)) for other class implemented User interface ,and then it is created abstract class named “AbstractUser” for inheriting other class(guest,receptionist,Hotel Management System) from this class.After that,Manager class inherited from receptionist has extra two functionalities named add receptionist and delete receptionist.Finally,Hotel Management System class includes guest,receptionist and manager objects.


6.Other Informations important part:

•      main just take inputs from a file named input.txt and do not take inputs from console.


•      for guests           --- 3333

•      for receptionists --- 1111

•      for manager       --- 2222 Default receptionist:

•      Dilan

Manager(no changeable):

•      Halil

There are 16 rooms in hotel and information of rooms(room no,room situation,room type) is recorded in the guests.csv file.

Information of guests and receptionists are recorded in the file named guests.csv and receptionists.csv ,and receptionists.csv and rooms.csv files must not be deleted. Manually,it must not added or deleted room for rooms.csv ,and receptionist from receptionist.csv.

Number of rooms must not be changed becasuse all controls about rooms checked according to number of rooms ,and in the system,there is just one manager.

Finally, After run the program,files will be updated.Therefore,all files must be returned the first situation by pressing CTRL + Z.

7.Runnings and Results
output.txt are avaiable homework folder.

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