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CSE177-Project 3 Simple Relational Algebra Operators Solved

This project requires the implementation of four relational algebra operators: Heap Scan, Selection, Projection, and WriteOut. With these operators, it is possible to run simple SELECT-FROM-WHERE SQL queries.

Heap Scan
A heap file stores the records of a table. The records are grouped into pages, which represent the I/O unit. Pages eliminate the requirement to access the file (disk) for every record. This improves the I/O bandwidth utilization. Records are stored in arbitrary order in a heap file. The only access path to a heap file is to read sequentially all the records, from beginning to end.

Class DBFile (DBFile.h and contains the interface of a heap file. It is straightforward:

•   Create creates a new heap file. FileType has to be Heap. This is done only once, when a SQL table is created.

•   Open gives access to the heap file. The name is taken from the catalog, for every table.

•   Close closes the file.

•   MoveFirst resets the file pointer to the beginning of the file, i.e., the first record.

•   GetNext returns the next record in the file. The file pointer is moved to the following record.

•   AppendRecord appends the record passed as parameter to the end of the file. This is the only method to add records to a heap file.

•   Load extracts records with a known schema from a text file passed as parameters. Essentially, it converts the data from text to binary. Method ExtractNextRecord from class Record does all the work for a given schema.

You are required to implement all these methods. The good news is that we already provide you with all the functionality to access paged files on disk. Files File.h and contain two classes. Class File provides all the necessary functionality to access the pages from a file. Class Page stores records on pages. The methods from the heap file DBFile have only to invoke the methods of these two classes correctly.

The Scan relational operator is set-up by the query compiler. At runtime, method GetNext is invoked repeatedly. Scan reads the records from the heap file sequentially and passes them to the operator invoking GetNext. You have to invoke the methods of class DBFile for this.

Implement the GetNext method from the Select relational operator. Call GetNext for the producer operator. For every returned record, apply the selection predicate and, if the record satisfies the predicate, pass it to the invoking operator. GetNext returns when a record satisfying the predicate is found or no records exist anymore. Method Run from class CNF checks if the record satisfies the predicate, passed as a record of constants.

Implement the GetNext method from the Project relational operator. Call GetNext for the producer operator. For every returned record, apply the projection and return the trimmed record. Class Record has a Project method that does the job for you.

Implement the GetNext method from the WriteOut relational operator. Call GetNext for the producer operator and write the returned record in outFile. Class Record has a print method for this. outFile is set to an arbitrary file.

•   Generate TPC-H data:

1.   Download and extract the TPC-H data generator from

2.   Read the documentation and the README file.

3.   Read the instructions in makefile.suite and generate a Makefile from it by defining the requiredvariables:

–    CC is the compiler

–    DATABASE is the database

–    MACHINE is the operating system


4.   Compile the code according to the instructions in the documentation.

5.   Generate a scale factor 0.01 TPCH database using DBGEN. At this point you will have a seriesof .tbl files, one for each table. Take a look over these files.

•   Load the data into your database, i.e., create a heap file for every table. Write a simple program that takes as input parameters the name of the table you load data into, the location of the heap file corresponding to this table, and the location of the text file with the data. The program reads the schema corresponding to the table from the catalog. Then, it creates the heap file and opens it. Finally, it invokes method Load with the schema and the text file. Load invokes ExtractNextRecord for all the lines in the text file and appends the resulting binary records to the heap file. The catalog is updated with the name of the heap file corresponding to the table argument and the heap file is closed.

•   Execute the simple queries we provide you in folder Queries. For this, you have to implement method ExecuteQuery from class QueryExecutionTree. The method simply calls GetNext for the root node until no more records are generated. Add the call to ExecuteQuery to the end of file provided in phase 2 of the project, compile, and execute with a query.

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