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CSE120-Lab 2 Mobile App Project Analysis Phase Solved

The Software Engineering course covers techniques for dealing with the complexity of software systems. We will focus on the technology of software engineering for the individual and small team, rather than business or management issues. This Mobile App project aims to provide an opportunity for students to analyze, design, develop, and deploy a mobile app that is sponsored by an industry partner. By end of this lab, you will be able to define the parameters of the analysis phase of your mobile app project.

This phase of project aims to define the requirements of a system (your mobile app project) and how they can be accomplished. By end of this lab, you will be able to define the ontology of your project.

Checklist for Lab #02:

1.                A summary of project progress report 

2.                Discuss the following items in your meeting and make records in your meeting minutes.

•        Select a platform for developing your app. You may be restricted in using certain platform based on your project.

•        Select your prefer programming language, Integrated Development Environment (IDE) and related SDKs for developing your mobile app on the selected platform, such as Microsoft Visual Studio, Android Studio, Android Developer Tools (ADT), Android NDK, MIT App Inventor, Xcode, MonoGame, AIDE, Eclipse IDE, Xamrain Studio.

•        Do you need a database management system (DBMS)? Select your prefer DBMS (MS SQL, MySQL, SQLite, Firebase, MongoDB, stc.)

3.                Record the user stories and acceptance tests from the result of the meeting with your sponsors. 

a. For each of the user stories, list the following use-case information: 

i.       Name of use-case (same as user story)

ii.     Actors

iii.    Entry condition iv. Exit Condition

v. Event flow

4.                Create a Use-Case Diagram to describe each of the user stories. 

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