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CSC519 Homework 1 Basic Virtualization Technology and Building node CLI program Solved

Clone and set-url

Clone the following repo. Then modify the remote so that it now will point to your HW1-DevOps repo.

Install the npm packages, then create a symlink for running your program.

npm install npm link

Try it out. v up

It is expected to see some errors, as the program is not complete.

Executing VBoxManage import "/Users/cjparnin/.bakerx/.persist/images/bionic/box.ovf" --vsys 0 --vmname V--Users-cjparnin-classes-519-V

Executing VBoxManage modifyvm "V--Users-cjparnin-classes-519-V" --memory 1024 --cpus 1

Executing VBoxManage modifyvm V--Users-cjparnin-classes-519-V  --uart1 0x3f8 4 -uartmode1 disconnected Running VM customizations...

Executing VBoxManage startvm V--Users-cjparnin-classes-519-V --type emergencystop Executing VBoxManage startvm V--Users-cjparnin-classes-519-V --type headless Waiting 60000ms for machine to boot.

Base Requirements

VM setup 
Add the following required components to your project by editing the customize(name) function inside commands/up.js. You will want to take advantage of the VBoxManage.execute wrapper to execute VirtualBox commands.

•       Add a NIC with NAT networking.

•       Add a port forward from 2800 = 22 for guestssh.

•       Add a port forward from 8080 = 9000 for a node application.

Add the following required components to your project by editing the postconfiguration(name) function inside the commands/up.js. You will want to take advantage of the ssh command wrapper to send commands to the VM.

•       Install nodejs, npm, git

•       Clone

•       Install the npm packages

SSH and App 
Add a new command by creating a ssh.js inside the commands directory. When running v ssh it should ssh into your VM (25 points).

•       Implement and demonstrate running v ssh.

•       Manually run node main.js start 9000.

•       Demonstrate you can visit localhost:8080 to see your running App.

Extra Requirements
You can complete some or all of the following activities for extra credit by modifying your code.

•       Create a second NIC with either host-only or bridged networking enabled. Demonstrate that you can use your IP address to visit <address:9000 to see your running App. (5 points)

•       Create a shared sync folder. This is fairly involved, only attempt if experienced--limited help will be provided from teaching staff. (10 points)


Create a screencast of your assignment:

    Demonstrate running your code to provision the VM (v up), running your customization and post-configuration steps, and ssh (v ssh) and a starting your App. Demonstrate your app running on your browser. Demonstrate any extra requirements fulfilled.

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