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CS2261- Homework 03 Solved

In this assignment, you will be improving your previous homework submission (Homework 02) to make a more complex Mode 3 game. 


Your game must have the following:

●     At least one struct

●     At least one array

●     An end (win/lose) state

○      It should be understood that you have reached an end to the game

●     A title screen with the name of your game on it

●     An instructions screen with the instructions to your game (keep them minimal since you can only fit so many words on the screen)

●     A pause state

●     At least ​five ​moving objects

●     At least ​three ​buttons used for input

●     Collision that matters

○      Something must happen whenever two different objects hit each other ●    Only a ​minimal ​amount of flicker.


Your code must have the following:

●     Multiple .c files (​more ​than just main.c and myLib.c)

●     At least ​two ​.h files

●     Good organization (see tips below)

●     Meaningful comments Tips

●     Start early. Never underestimate how long it takes to make a game.

●     When splitting code between multiple files, put code that will be useful in multiple games in myLib.c, and code specific to this game in main.c or other files. Those other files should be specific to a concept (collision, etc.).

●     Organize your code into functions specific to what that code does. Your main method should not be very long.

○      Having ​update() and ​            ​draw() functions that you call in ​     ​main() is helpful.​       

○    Make sure the order takes into account waiting for vblank at the correct times to minimize flicker.

●     Build upon the myLib.c and myLib.h files from previous assignments.


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