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COMP9418- Assignment 2 Solution

Recall the guidance regarding plagiarism in the course introduction: this applies to this homework and if evidence of plagiarism is detected it may result in penalties ranging from loss of marks to suspension.
1          [50 Marks] Expectation Maximisation
Consider a model with continuous observed variables x ∈ RD and hidden variables t ∈ {0,1}K and z ∈ RQ. The hidden variable t is a K-dimensional binary random variable with a 1-of-K representation, where tk ∈ {0,1} and Pk tk = 1, i.e. exactly one component of tk is equal to 1 while all others are equal to 0. The prior distribution over t is given by

                                                                   p(tk = 1|θ) = πk,                                                              (1)

where mixing weights  satisfy 0 ≤ πk ≤ 1 and                 = 1. This can also be

written in the form
K p(t|θ) = Yπktk.

Hidden variable z is a Q-dimensional continuous random variable with prior distribution

                                                              p(z|θ) = p(z) = N(0,I).                                                         (3)

The conditional likelihood of x given z and tk = 1 is a Gaussian defined as

                                                    p(x|z,tk = 1,θ) = N(x|Wkz + bk,Ψ),                                               (4)

where Wk ∈ RD×Q, bk ∈ RD and Ψ ∈ RD×D is a diagonal covariance matrix. Another way to express this is


                                                      p(x|z,t,θ) = YN(x|Wkz + bk,Ψ)tk.                                                 (5)


Let us collectively denote the set of all observed variables by X  and hidden variables by Z  and T . The joint distribution is denoted by p(Z,T,X|θ), and is governed by the set of model parameters .

In the questions below, unless otherwise stated explicitly, you must show all your working. Omission of details or derivations may yield a reduction in the corresponding marks.

a)    [5 marks] Draw the graphical representation for this probabilistic model, making sure to include the parameters θ in the graph. (Non-random variables can be included similarly to random variables, except that circles are not drawn around them).

b)   [5 marks] In terms of K,D,Q, give an expression for the number of parameters we are required to estimate under this model.

c)    [10 marks] In the E-step of the expectation maximization (em) algorithm, we are required to compute the expected sufficient statistics of the posterior over hidden variables. The posterior responsibility of mixture component k for a data-point n is expressed as

                                                       def                                       old

                                                        rnk = p(tnk = 1|xn,θ ) = Ep(tnk|x,θold)[tnk].                                         (6)

The conditional posterior over local hidden factor zn is a Gaussian with mean mnk and covariance Cnk,

                                                        p(zn|tnk = 1,xn,θold) = N(zn|mnk,Cnk).                                         (7)

The covariance is given by

                                                                  C ,                                                   (8)



mnk = Ep(zn|tnk=1,xn,θold)[zn], and S. (9) i) [5 marks] Give analytical expressions for the responsibilities rnk and the expected sufficient statistics mnk and Snk in terms of the old model parameters θold.

ii)     [1 marks] To de-clutter notation and simplify subsequent analysis, it is helpful to introduce augmented factor loading matrix and hidden factor vector,

                                                    W˜ ,         and        z˜ .                          (10)

Accordingly, give expressions for the sufficient statistics of the conditional posterior on augmented hidden factor vectors,

def E n nk n old ˜ m˜ nk = p(z˜ |t =1,x ,θ )[z˜n], and S

Note you need only express this in terms of mnk and Snk.

iii)   [4 marks] Show that the sufficient statistics of the joint posterior factorise as follows,


d)   [10 marks] Write down the full expression for the expected complete-data log likelihood (also known as auxiliary function) for this model,

Q(θ,θold) def= Ep(Z,T|X,θold)[logp(Z,T,X|θ)]. (12) e) [20 marks] Optimize the auxiliary function Q w.r.t. model parameters θ to obtain M-step updates. Show all your working and highlight each individual update equation.

2          [50 Marks] Practical Part
See Jupyter notebook comp9418 ass2.ipynb.

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