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AI Assignment 1 Writing PROLOG Program solved

1.       To determine whether the first two elements of a list are same.

2.       To determine whether a list is not a two-element list.

3.       To determine whether two lists are of same length.

4.       To determine length of a list using your own number system, that does not    contain more than two symbols.

5.       To determine whether two lists are of same length using the length   predicate developed in 4 (previous problem). 

6.       To find the last element of a list.

7.       To find whether an element is a member of a list.

8.       To find whether two elements are next to each other in a list.

9.       To append two lists in a third list.

10.  To find the last element of a list using append predicate developed in 9.

11.  To find whether an element is a member of a list using append predicate   developed in 9.

12.  To find whether two elements are next to each other in a list using append    predicate developed in 9. 

13.  To reverse a list in another list.

14.  To determine whether a list is a palindrome [ the structure of predicate:     palindrome(L) ].

15.  Write a Prolog program for double(List, ListList), where every element in               List appears twice in ListList, e. g., double([1,2,3], [1,1,2,2,3,3]) is true.

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