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 Assignment #5 program that reads an input data set consisting of four parts Solution


· This assignment is to practice making hash tables.

Program Description

You will develop a C++ program that reads an input data set consisting
of four parts: the first part is a hash table size entered by a user;
the second part is a list of course numbers followed by its title; the
third part is an unordered list of course numbers; the fourth part is a
list of course numbers with its title to delete. Not all course numbers
in the third part or in the fourth part will match course numbers in the
second part.

The first and second parts of the input will be separated by the word
"Insertion", the second and third parts of the input will be separated
by the word "Search", and the third and fourth parts of the input will
be separate by the word "Delete" The fourth part ends with the line
containing the word "Display".
The following shows a sample input:

FSE100/Introduction to Engineering
ASU101/The ASU Experience
ENG101/First-Year Composition
ENG102/First-Year Composition
PHY111/General Physics I
PHY113/General Physics Laboratory
CSE310/Data Structures and Algorithm
CSE301/Computing Ethics
ENG108/First-Year Composition
ENG200/Critical Reading & Writing About Literature
MAT243/Discrete Math Structures
MAT242/Elementary Linear Algebra
MAT201/Brief Calculus
MAT265/Calculus for Engineers I
PHY252/Physics III
PHY101/Introduction to Physics
CSE240/Introduction to Programming Languages
CSE220/Programming for Computer Engineering
EEE120/Digital Design Fundamentals
EEE230/Computer Organization and Assembly Language Programming
CHM116/General Chemistry II
CHM113/General Chemistry I
MAT221/Brief Calculus
EEE120/Digital Design Fundamentals
ASU102/The ASU Experience
PHY101/Introduction to Mechanical Energy
CHM213/General Chemistry III
PHY113/General Physics Laboratory

*Design Requirements:*

You need to create a hash table with chaining, which is an array of
linked lists. It utilizes memory efficiently. When hashing keys, keep
track of the length of each linked list in the hash table, and the
difference of these lengths should be small in order to be efficient.
You also need to define _a hash function_, _INSERT_,_SEARCH_, and
_DELETE_ functions for the hash table.

For the INSERT function, add a new element at the beginning of a linked
list where it is hashed so that it can be done in O(1).

Your program needs to read in the first input number and use it as the
hash table size.

Each slot of your hash table should contain a linked list which is
initially empty (with its size 0). After processing and inserting the
second part of the data into your hash table, print the content of the
hash table using their index using the following format:

/ /


/index: 0, linked list size: 1
Course Number: ENG200, Course Title: Critical Reading & Writing About Literature

index: 1, linked list size: 3
Course Number: EEE120, Course Title: Digital Design Fundamentals
Course Number: CSE220, Course Title: Programming for Computer Engineering
Course Number: MAT201, Course Title: Brief Calculus

index: 2, linked list size: 1
Course Number: CSE240, Course Title: Introduction to Programming Languages

index: 3, linked list size: 1
Course Number: PHY252, Course Title: Physics III

index: 4, linked list size: 2
Course Number: MAT242, Course Title: Elementary Linear Algebra
Course Number: PHY111, Course Title: General Physics I

index: 5, linked list size: 3
Course Number: MAT243, Course Title: Discrete Math Structures
Course Number: CSE310, Course Title: Data Structures and Algorithm
Course Number: ENG101, Course Title: First-Year Composition

index: 6, linked list size: 3
Course Number: EEE230, Course Title: Computer Organization and Assembly Language Programming
Course Number: PHY113, Course Title: General Physics Laboratory
Course Number: ENG102, Course Title: First-Year Composition

index: 7, linked list size: 0
The list is empty

index: 8, linked list size: 2
Course Number: MAT265, Course Title: Calculus for Engineers I
Course Number: ASU101, Course Title: The ASU Experience

index: 9, linked list size: 0
The list is empty

index: 10, linked list size: 0
The list is empty

index: 11, linked list size: 2
Course Number: CHM113, Course Title: General Chemistry I
Course Number: FSE100, Course Title: Introduction to Engineering

index: 12, linked list size: 2
Course Number: PHY101, Course Title: Introduction to Physics
Course Number: ENG108, Course Title: First-Year Composition

index: 13, linked list size: 0
The list is empty

index: 14, linked list size: 2
Course Number: CHM116, Course Title: General Chemistry II
Course Number: CSE301, Course Title: Computing Ethics

index: 15, linked list size: 0
The list is empty

index: 16, linked list size: 0
The list is empty


/ /

Then read the third part of the input, and search if each element with
its course number in the hash table. If it exists, then print out its
title and publisher, and if it does not exist, print the course number
and ”not found”:


/The course FSE101 not found
The course EEE120 has the title: Digital Design Fundamentals
The course ENG200 has the title: Critical Reading & Writing About Literature
The course MAT243 has the title: Discrete Math Structures
The course PHY253 not found


Then read the fourth part of the input, and search and delete if each
item with exists in the hash table. If it exists, then print its course
number and course title, and ”is removed” such as below (if there are
more than one with the same set of course number and title, then remove
all duplicates). If not, then print its course number and course title,
and ”not found”:


/Course Number MAT221 with Title Brief Calculus not found
Course Number EEE120 with Title Digital Design Fundamentals is removed
Course Number ASU102 with Title The ASU Experience not found
Course Number PHY101 with Title Introduction to Mechanical Energy not found
Course Number CHM213 with Title General Chemistry III not found
Course Number PHY113 with Title General Physics Laboratory is removed


After this, */print the updated hash table again/* using the same format
as the one used after the part 1.
Please see the sample output file to format your output.

*Sample Run (user input is in bold):*

Please enter a hash table size:
FSE100/Introduction to Engineering
ASU101/The ASU Experience
ENG101/First-Year Composition
ENG102/First-Year Composition
PHY111/General Physics I
PHY113/General Physics Laboratory
CSE310/Data Structures and Algorithm
CSE301/Computing Ethics
ENG108/First-Year Composition
ENG200/Critical Reading & Writing About Literature
MAT243/Discrete Math Structures
MAT242/Elementary Linear Algebra
MAT201/Brief Calculus
MAT265/Calculus for Engineers I
PHY252/Physics III
PHY101/Introduction to Physics
CSE240/Introduction to Programming Languages
CSE220/Programming for Computer Engineering
EEE120/Digital Design Fundamentals
EEE230/Computer Organization and Assembly Language Programming
CHM116/General Chemistry II
CHM113/General Chemistry I
index: 0, linked list size: 1
Course Number: ENG200, Course Title: Critical Reading & Writing About

index: 1, linked list size: 3
Course Number: EEE120, Course Title: Digital Design Fundamentals
Course Number: CSE220, Course Title: Programming for Computer Engineering
Course Number: MAT201, Course Title: Brief Calculus

index: 2, linked list size: 1
Course Number: CSE240, Course Title: Introduction to Programming Languages

index: 3, linked list size: 1
Course Number: PHY252, Course Title: Physics III

index: 4, linked list size: 2
Course Number: MAT242, Course Title: Elementary Linear Algebra
Course Number: PHY111, Course Title: General Physics I

index: 5, linked list size: 3
Course Number: MAT243, Course Title: Discrete Math Structures
Course Number: CSE310, Course Title: Data Structures and Algorithm
Course Number: ENG101, Course Title: First-Year Composition

index: 6, linked list size: 3
Course Number: EEE230, Course Title: Computer Organization and Assembly
Language Programming
Course Number: PHY113, Course Title: General Physics Laboratory
Course Number: ENG102, Course Title: First-Year Composition

index: 7, linked list size: 0
The list is empty

index: 8, linked list size: 2
Course Number: MAT265, Course Title: Calculus for Engineers I
Course Number: ASU101, Course Title: The ASU Experience

index: 9, linked list size: 0
The list is empty

index: 10, linked list size: 0
The list is empty

index: 11, linked list size: 2
Course Number: CHM113, Course Title: General Chemistry I
Course Number: FSE100, Course Title: Introduction to Engineering

index: 12, linked list size: 2
Course Number: PHY101, Course Title: Introduction to Physics
Course Number: ENG108, Course Title: First-Year Composition

index: 13, linked list size: 0
The list is empty

index: 14, linked list size: 2
Course Number: CHM116, Course Title: General Chemistry II
Course Number: CSE301, Course Title: Computing Ethics

index: 15, linked list size: 0
The list is empty

index: 16, linked list size: 0
The list is empty

The course FSE101 not found
The course EEE120 has the title: Digital Design Fundamentals
The course ENG200 has the title: Critical Reading & Writing About Literature
The course MAT243 has the title: Discrete Math Structures
The course PHY253 not found

*MAT221/Brief Calculus*
Course Number MAT221 with Title Brief Calculus not found
*EEE120/Digital Design Fundamentals*
Course Number EEE120 with Title Digital Design Fundamentals is removed
*ASU102/The ASU Experience*
Course Number ASU102 with Title The ASU Experience not found
*PHY101/Introduction to Mechanical Energy*
Course Number PHY101 with Title Introduction to Mechanical Energy not found
*CHM213/General Chemistry III*
Course Number CHM213 with Title General Chemistry III not found
*PHY113/General Physics Laboratory*
Course Number PHY113 with Title General Physics Laboratory is removed

index: 0, linked list size: 1
Course Number: ENG200, Course Title: Critical Reading & Writing About

index: 1, linked list size: 2
Course Number: CSE220, Course Title: Programming for Computer Engineering
Course Number: MAT201, Course Title: Brief Calculus

index: 2, linked list size: 1
Course Number: CSE240, Course Title: Introduction to Programming Languages

index: 3, linked list size: 1
Course Number: PHY252, Course Title: Physics III

index: 4, linked list size: 2
Course Number: MAT242, Course Title: Elementary Linear Algebra
Course Number: PHY111, Course Title: General Physics I

index: 5, linked list size: 3
Course Number: MAT243, Course Title: Discrete Math Structures
Course Number: CSE310, Course Title: Data Structures and Algorithm
Course Number: ENG101, Course Title: First-Year Composition

index: 6, linked list size: 2
Course Number: EEE230, Course Title: Computer Organization and Assembly
Language Programming
Course Number: ENG102, Course Title: First-Year Composition

index: 7, linked list size: 0
The list is empty

index: 8, linked list size: 2
Course Number: MAT265, Course Title: Calculus for Engineers I
Course Number: ASU101, Course Title: The ASU Experience

index: 9, linked list size: 0
The list is empty

index: 10, linked list size: 0
The list is empty

index: 11, linked list size: 2
Course Number: CHM113, Course Title: General Chemistry I
Course Number: FSE100, Course Title: Introduction to Engineering

index: 12, linked list size: 2
Course Number: PHY101, Course Title: Introduction to Physics
Course Number: ENG108, Course Title: First-Year Composition

index: 13, linked list size: 0
The list is empty

index: 14, linked list size: 2
Course Number: CHM116, Course Title: General Chemistry II
Course Number: CSE301, Course Title: Computing Ethics

index: 15, linked list size: 0
The list is empty

index: 16, linked list size: 0
The list is empty

* *

*Implementation/Documentation Requirements:*

* You need implement this program using C++ and it has to read from
the standard input (from a keyboard).
* Your program needs to compile and execute in
* You need to define a LinkedList class with Insert, Search, and
Remove functions (name them insertElement, searchElement, and
deleteElement) clearly in your code.
* You need to define a HashTable class with Insert, Search, and Remove
functions (name them insertElement, searchElement, and
deleteElement), and a hash function /h/ clearly in your code. The
insertElement function in HashTable class should call the
insertElement function in LinkedList class. The searchElement
function in HashTable class should call the searchElement function
in LinkedList class. The deleteElement function in HashTable class
should call the deleteElement function in LinkedList class.
* Your code should be well documented and commented.
* You must use the provided data sets.
* Also you are not allowed to use any predefined data structures (such
as ones in the library in C++, etc.) except arrays and strings, you
need to build your own data structures and operations associated
with them (such as Insert or Search).
* Copying any codes from other people's programs is considered to be
cheating and will lead to a report to the Dean and you will be
penalized. Also check the rules stated in the syllabus of the course
regarding the academic integrity

*What to turn in:*

You must turn in C++ source code using the following submission site:

First, you need to login, and click on the *Submission* page. You need
to select the correct assignment number. The types of files that you can
submit are .cpp, or .h files. They have to compile and execute in
*/* server. (You can access by SSH, and
login using your ASU UserID and password.)

For C++, the files need to compile and execute with the commands:

/g++ *.cpp/


You program should be well commented and documented, make sure the first
few lines of your program contain your name, your ASU email address, and
a description of each file. While you will not be graded on style
technique ("i++" or "i = i + 1") or indenting by 4 spaces or tabs, you
should use indentation, good variable names, and clear, easy to read,
and specific comments. (You will be graded on comments.)


The following files are sample test cases that will be used as input for
your program (Right-click and use "Save As"):

Test Case Input #1 <assignment5/input1.txt
Test Case Input #2 <assignment5/input2.txt
Test Case Input #3 <assignment5/input3.txt

Test Case Output #1 <assignment5/output1.txt

You can test your program as follows:

For a C++ program, after compiling your files, one way is:

/./a.out < input1.txt/

or you can replace a.out with whichever your executable file is.

Error Handling

Your program will be tested with other input besides the ones above,
thus is expected to be robust.

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