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Project #1 First WebGL Program Solution

Problem: Draw the Koch snowflake (See Exercise 2.6 on Page 96 on how to generate a snowflake.)

Create a directory called project1 under your cs435 home directory. Move into that directory, and create two files: snowflake.html and snowflake.js for generating and displaying a snowflake. Please define three points for the triangle and the number of iterations as global variables in snowflake.js.

Submission Requirements:

Make sure the project1 directory contain the two files: snowflake.html and snowflake.js. (Here we assume the Common directory and the project1 directory are located in the same directory, and you do not need to submit the Common directory.)
The title of snowflake.html should contain your name, CS435 or CS535, Project #1
The snowflake.js file should contain the following information at the beginning: CS435 or CS535, Project #1, your name, a brief description of the program. Add other necessary comments whenever a part of the code is not obvious.
Compress the project1 directory into and submit the compressed file as an attachment on Blackboard.

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