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Homework Solution

1) Call foo() three times to print below.

1 2

3 4

5 6

2) Modify the calculator in lect16 as follows using argument-passing functions.


// function prototypes

void show_menu();

void add(int x, int y);

void sub(int x, int y);


// function definitions

void main(){

int s;



scanf(“%d”, &s);

if (s==1){

int x, y;

printf(“enter two numbers\n”);

scanf(“%d %d”, &x, &y);

add(x, y);

}else if (s==2){






void show_menu(){

printf(“1. add 2. sub 3. square 4. factor_of 5. power 6. factor 7. quit\n”);

printf(“select operation\n”);


void add(int x, int y){

// print x+y

int z;


printf(“the sum is %d\n”, z);


void sub(int x, int y){

// print x-y



void square(int x){

// print x*x



void power(int x, int y){

// print x*x*...*x (y times)



void factor_of(int x, int y){

// if x is a factor of y, print “x is a factor of y”

// otherwise “x is not a factor of y”

// for example if x=3, y=12, x is a factor of y

// because 12%3 = 0



void factor(int x){

// display all factors of x



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