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360 : She loves to rev !! Starring Miss Tiffany

Price € 12,00 Playtime: 12:13 Min
Size 707 MB Frame: 1280 x 720 Filetype: mp4
Added on February 11, 2018

This is just the beginning of a long and hard revving video starring Miss Tiffany and her sexy very high heels !!

She starts revving the engine hard, really really hard. As soon as she gets in the car, she push the pedal to the floor and she keeps that there while the engine begs her to stop!

She feels so happy to dominate the power of the engine!

She decides then to give the car some rest while she's changing her shoes .... And she starts again to rev to the max the poor Fiat Regata!

The temperature gauge is dangerously rising... Are you ready for all of this?