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Easy Jeopardy PowerPoint Template (Basic)

What am I purchasing?
You are purchasing the best PowerPoint Jeopardy template available on the Internet!

Is it easy to get started?
Yes! It's easy to edit, update, and get started. There are no complex macros or programming knowledge required with this template. With this "Basic" package, you'll receive the standard 6x5 size template (6 topics, 5 questions each).

How is the file saved?
The file is saved a template (.potx) and will open up a new PowerPoint file (.pptx) each time, so you don't accidentally overwrite the original file. This means you can make an unlimited number of games!

What kind of questions can I use?
With this template, you can use text, images, videos, audio...anything you'd like! If it can go into a PowerPoint, it can work with this game.

What device do I need to get started?
All you need is your computer. When you're ready to display to your audience or class, just hook it up to the room's projector or TV. That means this game also works with SMART boards. Open questions using your finger as the mouse.

Since PowerPoint can run on tablets and phones, you can now play and project from your mobile device (e.g. iPad).

What's included in the download?
6x5 Jeopardy PowerPoint Template
Quick Start PDF guide
A more in-depth how to play video

What's not included?
If you're asking about the premium package, you're missing:
  • Scored Jeopardy (Keep score on screen!)
  • Final Jeopardy
  • Multiple sized templates (3x3, 4x4, 5x5 & 6x5)
  • Planner and Host Card template
  • Daily Double tutorial
  • Customization tutorial
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