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Attract Money and Wealth 5.0Q | Part 2 | I Am Wealth

Attract Money and Wealth 3.5Q Part II is a powerful subliminal program that's designed to help you manifest a life of abundance and live the life on your terms.

The Part - II version of Attract Money and Wealth subliminal program is loaded with affirmations to take you to the next level of manifesting money and wealth. While Part -I was focused on being the foundation, this version of attracting money and wealth subliminal program is focused on building upon that.

This version is packed with affirmations that respect the numerous spiritual laws of manifesting abundance. To manifest abundance, you need to be aligned with each of them. Your vibrations are responsible for attracting positive or negative people or circumstances towards you to a certain extent. Although, we have to admit we cannot be in control of this all the time. Our subliminal program to manifest money and wealth is designed to raise your vibrations to a higher plane and get the best out of your life.

Your Abundant Self is a part of you who knows that it's your natural birthright to be abundant while alive. This subliminal program rewires your subconscious mind to accept that you deserve to be abundant, which in return makes you accept that you deserve abundance. You automatically start taking actions with full confidence that leads you to live an abundant life.

Attract money and wealth Part II also contains the Part 3 version.
Below we will explain in detail what each part is designed to do so. You may not need to listen to the Part II version; you can directly listen to Part 3.

Attract Money and Wealth Part II

. Plan Your Financial Future
. Be More Organized
. Stop Procrastinating
. Unstoppable Motivation
. Learn Money Making Skills Fast
. Manifest People or Friends to Help You Build-Make More Money and Wealth.
. Manifest Circumstances to Help you make more Money and Wealth.
. Become a Successful Salesperson. (This module is intended to help you sell anything from your ideas to products)
. The mindset of an Entrepreneur. (This is just a small sample of what the Program 'Super Entrepreneur is designed to do, it does not contain the entire script of Super Entrepreneur)
. The mindset of a Millionaire.
. Seek the Challenge Mindset.
. Attract Money and Wealth.
. Attract More Luck
. Winner's Mindset.
. Get a Raise.
. Nothing is an Impossible Mindset.
. Start Saving Money
. Develop a better relationship with money.


Attract Money and Wealth - Part - III


. Manifest People or Friends to Help You Build-Make More Money and Wealth.
. Manifest Circumstances to Help you make more Money and Wealth.
. Become a Successful Salesperson. (This module is intended to help you sell anything from your ideas to products)
. The mindset of an Entrepreneur. (This is just a small sample of what the Program 'Super Entrepreneur is designed to do, it does not contain the entire script of Super Entrepreneur)
. The mindset of a Millionaire.
. Seek the Challenge Mindset.
. Attract Money and Wealth.
. Attract More Luck
. Winner's Mindset.
. Nothing is an Impossible Mindset.
. Start Saving Money
. Develop a better relationship with money.


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