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Digital Design Laboratory #2 solution

Overview and Objectives:
In this laboratory assignment, you will be using the Xilinx ISE Design tools aimed at the Digilent Nexys 2 development board to become familiar with the VHDL design code entry, veri?cation and simulation. You will be able to understand the principles of I/O systems and learn how to build your own interface with the
various I/O's on the board. You will also examine the use of test bench's for design veri?cation and develop and demonstrate a hardware text procedure.
Objectives for this lab:
• An introduction to understand VHDL code
• Learn the process of building and ashing on a Nexys 2 dev board
• Understand basic input/output (I/O)
• Understand debouncing concepts
• Understand VHDL operations that will help build a foundation
• Learn how to create a test bench to test a device
• Able to read and understand RTL diagrams
• Able to assemble all the concepts together
Lab sections:
1. Introduction with a counter
2. Applying button debouncing concepts
3. More in depth with a 7-Segment Display
4. Learning how to use a test bench with a ALU
5. Assembling all you learn together into a ALU with input

1. Introduction with a counter:
The counter described in this section of the lab can be used to create a clock divider in upcoming labs. The counter project contains six ?les, you don't have to worry about the contents of them for now. Right now you will be focusing on how to build this project ?rst and then we will explain how it works.
Creating New Project in ISE Design Suite
You will need the counter project code which can be found here or in the class directory. Now lets start ISE Project Navigator. When you open up Xilinx ISE project navigator, you will be greeted by the welcome
screen. You need to create a new project, you can do this either from the welcome screen or File -new
Figure 1: ISE® Design Suite welcome page
Steps for creating a new project in ISE:
1. Select File -new project to open the New Project Wizard.
2. Enter a name for the project, for this project is will be MealyTest
3. Enter a location where the project will be located
4. Enter a description for the project
5. Select HDL in the top-level source type
6. Click next to advance to the project setting page
7. Enter the parameters for the project:
Family : Spartan3E
Device : XC3S500E
Package : FG320
Speed : -4
Systhesis Tool : XST (VHDL/Verilog)
Simulator : ISim (VHDL/Verilog)
Preferred Language : VHDL
Property Speci?cation in Project File : Store all values
Uncheck Manual Compile Order
VHDL Source Analysis Standard : VHDL-93
Uncheck Message Filtering
8. Double Check the Project Setting with the Setting Figure
Figure 2: New Project Wizard Create New Project page
Figure 3: New Project Wizard Project Settings page
Adding VHDL Source to the Project
After you have created the project in ISE. You will now need to import the counter source ?les into the project. This can be done by going to Project -Add Source. Select each of the six ?les in the Counter folder. After you imported all the ?les needed you will be presented with a clock toplevel ?le as depicted in the next ?gure.
Figure 4: Clock toplevel project design
Building the counter project
Now since you have a fully setup project. we are now going to build it. When you click on the "clock toplevel" it will give you multiple options on the bottom on design tab. For building the project, you must run the "Generate Programming File". This can take a few minutes for ISE to process the VHDL ?les and create a programming ?le. During this process is where you will encounter various warnings and errors that may occur while building the project.
Figure 5: Clock toplevel generate program ?le
Building issue on a s3e500 board
While building the counter project, you may encounter an error while mapping the pins on a s3e500 board.
This can be resolved by changing the led pins in the user constraint ?le (UCF) ?le with the ones commented.
Flashing the counter project onto the board
After build the project ?le you will see a green check mark appear on the "Generate Programming File".
This means the project bit ?le was successfully created. Now it is the time to ash the Nexys 2 FPGA. In order to ash to the Nexys 2, you need to open up ISE iMPACT which can be found in Tools -iMPACT.
Steps to Flash Nexyx 2 with ISE iMPACT

Figure 6: Counter pin mapping error
Figure 7: Counter User Constraints File - Led
Figure 8: Xilinx iMPACT Location
1. Click on Boundary Scan under iMPACT Flows
2. Click on Initialize Chain on the tool bar or File -Initialize Chain or Ctrl+i.
3. Wait until it ducceeded on the initialize chain
4. Click Yes on "Auto Assign Con?guration Files".
5. Select the recently generated bit ?le in you projects folder
6. Click No on "Attach SPI or BPI PROM".
7. On the assign new con?guration ?le select Cancel All.
8. Click OK on "Device Programming Properties".
9. Click the xc3s500e chip.
10. Double click Program under the iMPACT Processes
11. Wait a few seconds and it will say "Program Succeeded"
12. Check the Nexys 2 Dev board and if the led are incrementing you now have successfully ashed the Nexys 2.

Testing the Nexys 2 Counter
After you have successfully ashed the Nexys 2. Go play with the Counter and see what switch and button will a?ect the counter. There are three things you will need to look for on the Board. A reset, add/subtract mode, and change speed of the counter.
Counter Layout
As you might have played around with the device. You noticed that there were three inputs to this counter.
The counter is comprised of a few entities, a clock, mux, counter, and a toplevel which binds them all together. You can see the register-transfer level(RTL) in the next ?gure which gives a block diagram of the project. You can generate you own RTL under Design -Synthesize - XST -View RTL Schematic
Figure 9: View RTL Schematic Location
Figure 10: RTL Schematic for the counter
Breakdown of the Counter
While looking at the RTL schematic for the counter. You can see two clocks, each with a di?erent name of "clk2Hz" and "clk4Hz". Both are design to toggle after a certain number of cycles, for this one the input
to each clock is 50 MHz. Both clock lines will then go through a mux 2 to 1 with a select switch to choose which clock to output. The output of the mux will then go into the clock input of the counter. The counter will add or subtract one from its current count signal. The counter toplevel connects all the components together and the counter topleve.ucf will till the toplevel ports to the pins of the FPGA. Look at each ?le in the project and study how they work.

Counter Questions
While going through each segment you will be asked a few questions. These question will ask you about various parts of the lab besides these questions you will also need to demonstrate your work and knowledge to the TA or Professor. Don't forget to write down your answers and put them in your lab report.
1. Demonstrate a working counter.
Reset the counter value.
Change the counter speed.
Change the counter to subtract instead of adding to the count.
2. Double the clock rate in the clk4Hz ?le. What does it do?
3. What action of the clock causes the counter to add or subtract(Rising Action? or Falling Action?).
4. What do you think could be di?erent in this section of the lab?

2. Applying button debouncing concepts:
On the Nexys 2 board, there are four mechanical push buttons. These push buttons can be very noisy when you click them. With this in mine, you will need to debounce the push button signal. In this section of the lab you will be learning the concepts of debouncing a signal and how to implement it in your design.
Concepts of debouncing a signal
There are a variety of methods to debounce a signal. The method you will learn uses three ip ops, a xor gate, counter, and a bit compare. The input signal will go through one ip op and then through another ip op and will update it state based on the clock line. This will allow us to have two states of the signal.
Each state will then go though an XOR gate to monitor the change in state. When there are two di?fferent states the xor will output a 1 to reset the counter. The counter will increment when no change occurs and the most signi?cant bit will be used to update the last ip op state. The last ip op will output the debounced signal.
Figure 11: Debouncing circuit example(Source : eewiki)
Applying the concepts into VHDL
With learning the concepts of debouncing a signal. Next we need to apply the concepts into VHDL. First you will be needing signals to maintain the values of the ?rst two ip ops, the XOR output and a location
for the counter value. You will need to create a process routine to monitor the clock state. In the process, the ip ops will update their state when there is a CLK'event and with a value of 1. This can be translated into a rising action on the clock line. Next you will need to check the ip op states and reset the counter
if both ip ops have di?erent states. The output will happen if the most signi?cant bit will turn 1. It is recommended reviewing the debounce.vhd source and get a understanding of what is happening.
Building and Flashing the button debouncer project
Now is the time to build the button debouncer. First create a new project just like in the counter section.
Add the source in the Button folder, there will be three ?les. Build, and ash it on the Nexys 2 dev board(refer to counter). Don't forget to check the VHDL code and see what is happening.
Button Debouncing Questions
1. Demonstrate to the TA or professor the button controller.
2. Why would you incorporate a enable in the button controller?
3. More in depth with a 7-Segment Display:
In this section, you will be learning how a 7-segment display can be incorporated in VHDL. While observing the Nexys 2 dev board, you will notice that there are four 7-segment displays. These displays can be very useful to use as a debug device since there can be 4 bytes of data displayed.
Reviewing 7-Segment Display
Just refresher each 7-segment display is tied to a common cathode while one anode per display. The cathodes are a ground sink while the anode supply the power. For the display you do not want to have the number icker. So the display should oscillate around 60Hz. Since there are four displays you need to alternate
between them. This will give us 240Hz for alternating between each number without ickering.
Applying the concepts into VHDL
In order to apply this in VHDL, you need to break down the 7-segment driver into reasonable chunks. First you will need a clock divider that will change a 50Mhz clock signal into 240Hz. Next you will need a 7- segment decoder, this can be done in a select statement in VHDL. The Last major part is the display driver
to cycle between the 7-segment display and output the correct number. Look at the SevenSeg.vhd ?le to get a grasp of the concept. The top level connects the SevenSeg out to the board and helps provide values for the 7-segment display.
Building and Flashing the 7-segment Display project
Create a new project and add the source in the "SevenSegment" folder. Build the 7-segment display and ash it to the Nexys. Test the Seven Segment display by ipping the dip switches to control the ?rst two displays.
7-Segment Display Questions
1. Adjust the VHDL code I/O to make the 7-seg display "FACE"
2. Demonstrate to the TA or professor the 7-seg display
3. What is the clock speed in the 7-segment display driver and why?
Figure 12: 7-segment Display output FACE
4. Learning how to use a test bench with a ALU:
In this section of the lab, you will be getting familiar with simulating VHDL in ISE. You are presented
a complete source of an ALU. A ALU is a Arithmetic device which will output speci?c values based on operating codes(opcodes). For the ALU you will have two 8 bit input values(A,B) and a opcode. The output will have the result of the operation plus a condition code register.
Concepts of a ALU
In this Lab you will be using an 8-bit ALU. The ALU is a collection of operations. These operations can be add, subtract, AND, OR, Shift and much more. For the ALU you can see what operations it performs based on the opcodes in the table below.
OPCODE operation procedure CCR
0010 AND RA <= RA & RB NZVC
0011 OR RA <= RA j RB NZVC
0100 COMPARE RA <= 0, NZ change NZ
0101 ADD Immediate RA <= RA + IMMED NZVC
0110 AND Immediate RA <= RA & IMMED NZVC
Setting up a ALU in VHDL
Create a new project or use a existing and remove the ?les. Add all the source ?les in the ALU folder to the project. In this project you will be using the simulation utility in Xilinx. In order to run a simulation, you will need to create a Behavioral vhd ?le. This ?le will simulate the inputs to a VHDL design you are implementing. This will be able to aid in testing your code for and prone errors that may arise during your testing of the code.
Testing the ALU by simulation
In order to start simulation you must switch you view from Implementation to Simulation, this can be done by Design -View -Simulation. When you in simulation mode, select ALU tb vhd. Under the design tab you will see ISim Simulation and two operations. Behavioral Check Syntax and Simulate
Behavioral Model. Run the Simulate Behavioral Model, there will be a graph popping up with the simulation results from the test bench ?le.

Figure 13: Select Simulation Mode in ISE
Figure 14: Start Simulation in ISE
ALU test bench Questions
1. Take a screen shot of the simulation from 50ns - 300ns
2. Change CCR value at line 110 from 1010 to 0000. Rerun the simulation, what do you notice in the console and why does it happen?

5. Assembling all you learn together into a ALU with input:
With each section you learned various concepts and was given code to run. Now it is your turn to create some VHDL code. In the previous sections you learned how to interface with the Nexys board Dip switches, Led's, mechanical buttons, and the seven segment display. You also learned about a ALU. For this section
you will be combining them together and creating a user input ALU. The method of input and output is all up to you.
Jumping into VHDL
Since this will be your ?rst time coding VHDL for the project. You will have to devise a method for your ALU to interface with. First you need to create a block diagram of each device connected together. After that give more in depth design in a RTL. Build your design in VHDL with a reference of the top level designs
in the other sections of the lab.
Building, Flashing and testing a user input ALU project
This part will take you the most time to accomplish out of all the sections. You will have to debug you code and see how it runs on the Nexys 2 dev board. The building and ashing will always be the same methods in any lab. You will also be needing to create a Acceptance Test Plan(ATP) to validate that your project is
Final Questions
1. Demonstrate to the TA or professor the user input ALU.
2. What was the biggest challenge you overcame?
3. If you would rebuild this, how you change it?
4. What is your con?dence level in VHDL and explain why.
5. Any ideas to improve the Lab?
Lab 2 Grade
Section Description Value Score
Section 1 -10-
1.1. Counter Demo Demonstrate Counter to TA, Prof 5
1.2. Counter Questions Answer Questions about the Counter 5
Section 2 -10-
2.1. Button Demo Demonstrate Button to TA, Prof 5
2.2. Button Questions Answer Questions about the Button Debouncer 5
Section 3 -10-
3.1. 7-Seg Demo Demonstrate 7-Seg with display of FACE 5
3.2. 7-Seg Questions Answer Questions about the 7-Segment Display 5
Section 4 -10-
4.1. Screen shot of simulation Screen shot of the simulation 5
4.2. ALU Sim Questions Answer Questions about the ALU Simulation 5
Section 5 -10-
5.1. ALU User Input Demo Demonstrate ALU to TA, Prof 5
5.2. ALU User Input Questions Answer Questions about the ALU 5

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