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466 : Rusty Fiat Panda for sale - Starring Miss Ninfa

Price € 18,00 Playtime: 29:27 Min
Size 2,07 GB Frame: 1280 x 720 Filetype: mp4
Added on June 17, 2019

Miss Ninfa receives a message from her cousin: she's the owner of a rusty Fiat Panda which is actually for sale, a customer is going to see soon the car and Ninfa has to make sure that everything is ok with the engine of this old piece of junk!

And the adventures begins .... Miss Ninfa will crank the car out of hell until the battery gets weaker and weaker....
What to do now?

Well, no problem ....   Ninfa is always ready for any eventuality and she sort out some battery cables to try to solve the issue!