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King Midas - Wealth Creation Sigil

The sigil attracts wealth, good fortune and prosperity from all sources that it can.

Created over the period of two months, the sigil has 34 layers of intent.

Including energy channelled from:

Kubera Mantra (Om shreem om hreem shreem hreem kleem shreem kleem Vitteshwaraye namaha)
Krishna Wealth Mantra (Om Shreem Namah Shri Krishnay Paripurantamay Swaha)
Lakshmi Mantra For Wealth And Prosperity (Om Shreem Mahalakshmiyei Namaha)
Ganesha Lakshmi Mantra (Om Gum Shrim Maha Lakshmiyei Swaha)
A Prosperity Ritual based on Moon Magick
Full Moon Money Ritual based on candle magick

This is a one of a kind money attracting powerhouse and will bring prosperity to all that uses it.
The design is symbolic.

The sigil has been empowered to have no equal.

Results can be expected within a couple of days at most a few weeks but they will come and continue to build the longer you utilize the sigil.

Now Updated with "King Midas - Wealth Creation II"

Update "King Midas - Wealth Creation III" "King Midas - Wealth Creation FINAL"
Between the 3rd and final version of the sigil, the final sigil has provided the most consistant results and is currently my sigil of choice for all money related issues.

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