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COP2800 Assignment 6

Go Dolphins!!!
This assignment is a simulation of beer drinking football fans and the security guards that love them.

Design Requirements:
Class Beer – Tracks whether it is full or empty and has a getter.  Also, has a drink method.
Class SixPack – Starts with an array of 6 beers, dispenses beers up to 6, and has a toString.
Class Person – Has a first and last name, getters, and a toString
Class NFLFan – Extends Person, drinks beers and keeps count, getter and toString
Class StadiumSecurity – Extends Person, chews out fans who’ve had more than 2 beers, getter and toString


Please title your java file  Submitted files that do not compile will receive a grade of 0.


Next page – sample output and the driver used to generate it







No output from the class definitions.  All the output was done from this driver:


public class Assignment6 {

            public static void main (String [] arg) {

                        SixPack sixPack = new SixPack();

                        NFLFan steve = new NFLFan("steve", "harris");

                        NFLFan rick = new NFLFan("rick", "newhouse");

                        StadiumSecurity bobTheSecurityGuard =

                                                new StadiumSecurity("bob", "modino");


                        steve.drinkBeer (sixPack.getABeer());




                        rick.drinkBeer (sixPack.getABeer());

                        rick.drinkBeer (sixPack.getABeer());

                        rick.drinkBeer (sixPack.getABeer());




                        bobTheSecurityGuard.challengeBeerDrinker (steve);

                        bobTheSecurityGuard.challengeBeerDrinker (rick);




Note:  This is not the driver I will use to test your program.   I will check for these implementation errors:

·         A fan upping his beer count by drinking an empty beer

·         A six pack that dispenses more than six beers

·         A security guard yelling at a fan who is under the beer limit

·         etc


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