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An interface to manage a Sudoku game. Allows the user to start a new game, enter (set) a value for a row,column combination, retrieve (get) a value for a row,column combination, return a string representation of the sudoku board and display all valid values for an entry in the puzzle. When entering a value, this class will check the validity of a value at the specified row,column combination,based on the rules of Sudoku.The class that implements this interface will use a Data Structure of a two-dimensional array of integers to represent the sudoku game. In order for your public test and private test to be successful, you cannot change this interface!!!Value Not Valid Exception- An exception that can occur when a user enters an invalid value (according to the rules of sudoku) value for a cell Sudoku Board Manager
Input Out-of-Range Exception -An exception that can occur when a user enters an out-of-range (not 1-9) value for a cell

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