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Solar Plexus Chakra 3.0 | Solar Plexus Chakra Subliminal | Manipura

Solar Plexus 3.0 is a powerful subliminal program built to help you open, balance, and heal your Solar Plexus / Manipura chakra with the power of affirmations.
The solar plexus — also called the celiac plexus or Manipura in Sanskrit — is a complex system of radiating nerves and ganglia. It’s found in the pit of the stomach in front of the aorta. It’s part of the sympathetic nervous system.

It plays a vital role in the functioning the stomach, kidneys, liver, and adrenal glands.

Do you often feel insecure? Do you have trouble setting boundaries with people? Do you consider yourself a “people please”? Do you constantly seek approval from others?
On the other hand, maybe you have an overly burdensome personality. Do you find yourself bullying others? Do you tend to manipulate people to get what you want?

These signs point to an imbalanced solar plexus chakra. Healing the third chakra will improve self-esteem, release the need to control others, and restore a sense of purpose,


What Is a Chakra?
Chakra, which means wheel in Sanskrit, refers to spinning wheels of energy located along the spine. Hindus and Buddhists believe that the chakras represent the areas in the body where the spiritual and physical come together. Each chakra rotates at different speeds, which determines its frequency and color.

The chakras also relate to the physical and emotional aspects of our being. When in balance, we feel healthy and at peace. When blocked, chakras can cause emotional and physical distress. Connecting with our chakras helps us maintain harmony throughout the mind, body, and soul and learn when it’s time to heal parts of ourselves. The Solar Plexus, or Manipura, refers to the third chakra. It spins in the area around the abdomen above the belly button up to the breastbone. Meaning “lustrous gem” in Sanskrit, the Manipura chakra provides a source of personal power and relates to self-esteem, warrior energy, and the power of transformation.

The Solar Plexus Chakra at a Glance
Name in Sanskrit: Manipura meaning lustrous gem.
Location: In the abdomen above the belly button up to the breastbone
Color: Yellow
Element: Fire
Signs of balance: Confident, motivated, purposeful, reliable, responsible
Symptoms of imbalance: Aggression, overly dominating toward others, low self-esteem

Causes of solar plexus pain
Several different conditions can lead to solar plexus pain. They can range from physical ailments to emotional ones.

Anxiety is a common cause of solar plexus pain. The solar plexus is tied to the adrenal glands and the lungs. The fight-or-flight response to stress can result in poor breathing.

This can lead to pain or other gastric symptoms like nausea or vomiting during episodes of anxiety. Other symptoms of stress can include:

As the third chakra, the solar plexus chakra governs self-confidence, relating to self-esteem, purpose, and inherent power. Kundalini energy lies dormant at the base of the spine until it is awakened through wellness practices, including chakra meditation, asanas, pranayama, and prayer. Individuals may experience heightened skillful self-expression and increased confidence when energy flows through the third chakra. This helps people feel motivated and have a deeper understanding of their purpose in life.

Blocked chakra energy can negatively impact health in the physical body and mental state. Some of the symptoms may include:


Pancreas and gallbladder issues

Digestive issues


Digestive system disorders


Fear of rejection

Feel insecure

Dominating others

Negative thought patterns

Low self-esteem

Other symptoms of the physical imbalance include blood pressure issues, diabetes, eating disorders, and stress-related illnesses. Additionally, one may experience improper processing, control issues, be overly rigid, and inhibit a victim mentality.

Those experiencing these symptoms may benefit from practicing some of our recommended solar plexus chakra healing exercises so life force energy can flow freely through the human body.

Solar Plexus 3.0 has a suitable script to help you open, balance, and heal your Solar Plexus chakra.


This Program has been made specifically for those who believe in the chakras. The script used in this solar plexus/manipura chakra subliminal is entirely different from the ones we use on other programs. Since this program/script is not as complex as other programs, this Solar chakra subliminal was built with the tried and tested 3.0 tech.


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