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Weight Loss Hypnotherapy & NLP Video & Blog Marketing Package

Get 100 Royalty-Free Weight Loss “Whiteboard” Videos For WAY LESS Than You Would Pay For A SINGLE Video Elsewhere!


These stock weight loss videos are PERFECT for weight loss sites, blogs, social media, autoresponders, apps.


Use them to get traffic, raise engagement, and even create products you can sell as your own.


Before I hand you over to my colleague who will explain more about the main bulk of this package, namely the 100 Whiteboard "Weight Loss" informational videos, please allow me to mention to you my Coaching Client and Hypnotherapy Student that there are also other elements to the digital download package that you are about to gain access to namely you will get:


The 100 Professionally Produced "Weight Loss" Whiteboard informational Videos of which full details follow shortly from my colleague who produced them.


These 100 Videos can be uploaded to You-Tube and help drive traffic to your website and ultimately help you attract more Weight Loss Hypnotherapy Clients and/or to sell more Weight Loss Related Hypnotherapy and Self-Help Products.


You will also get Over 500+ Professionally written reports on how to Lose Weight and Get Fitter which can be used as daily Blog Postings and promotional tools, email content etc in order to drive more traffic to your website and ultimately help you gain more customers and product sales.


Further you will also get Two Professionally written Weight Loss Ebooks, together with a Nine Part Audio MP3 Course which comes with a ready made website to help you make even more profits and help you to ultimately attract even more Weight Loss Clients and Customers.


The video above is an example of one of the shorter of the 100 supplied videos, which as my Hypnotherapy Student and Coaching Client you are given permission to use on your own websites, You-Tube and Social Media.


Take my word for it, as promotional tools for any "Weight Loss" related Services or Products these 100 Whiteboard Videos are WORTH THEIR WEIGHT IN GOLD TO YOU...


And remember you will also get the well over 500+ professionally written "Weight Loss" reports which you can publish as your own on your blogs and websites, or use as informative email content to connect with your customers and potential clients.


There now follows some further information about the 100 videos, but be warned this SPECIAL INTRODUCTORY PRICE OF JUST $47 is exactly that, a Special Introductory Price!




Heck the 2 Ebooks and 9 Part Audio "Weight Loss" Course upon which you will gain Legal Resale Rights are worth many times this small investment alone.


So take a look at what my colleague has to say and then as all my best Hypnotherapy Students and Coaching Clients will, ACT FAST and grab your package before the price rises.


Dear Fellow Hypnotherapist,


Would you like to boost your Engagement and INCREASE YOUR PROFITS?


Then you need to use High Quality content to capture your customers attention, educate them and keep your brand at the top of their minds.


And Whiteboard videos don’t come any more high quality than these.


Whiteboard videos are the latest marketing tool all the top marketers use, even the biggest corporations in the world are using them.




Because They’re funky, educational and they teach using AUDIO, WRITTEN and VISUAL CUES, which when combined result in speaking to people in whatever way they most prefer to learn information.


But, there’s a problem.


Getting Whiteboard Videos created is EXPENSIVE!


EACH VIDEO can cost you HUNDREDS of dollars.


Just a quick Googling has revealed prices of $797, $1499 or an eye-watering £1695 ($2700+!) for ONE Whiteboard Video.


But with this package you can get 100 Specialist "Weight Loss" Whiteboard videos, for way less than any of these prices.


You do the maths and realise what a bargain this is for you today.


It’s Not Just Expensive, It’s Dangerous! How so?


Well, every video needs images included in the video, and for every single image you need to have a license to use it.


And do you think the video creator is going to provide you with all those licenses?


Or even worse, they might just STEAL them from “Somewhere On The Internet”.


Google Images is NOT a good place to get image elements.


The big stock image libraries can, AND DO, come after you for using a stolen image and SUE YOU!


How do I know this?


Well, my name is Brad Gosse, and I own, a stock graphical image site, and I sell THOUSANDS of images.


I have processes in place to detect people using my images without permission, without purchasing the necessary license.


Imagine the time and money it would cost you to create this many videos, even if you did it yourself.


You can get 100 of these Weight Loss Whiteboard Videos today with FULL RIGHTS to use them pretty much how you please.


And I know that they were created with images that have the licenses – because the images in the videos are from my very own in-house cartoonists.


Take a look at an example of one of these videos, and remember, you’ll be getting 100 (ONE HUNDRED!) videos just like these, each of them unique, and each of them focusing on a different weight loss topic.




All of These Videos Contain Awesome Weight-Loss Advice Not only they are ultra high-quality (I’m a real stickler for getting the job done right, if it’s not perfect it’s not getting through) they contain great advice.


Topics include:


Unhealthy Cravings Broccoli Is Your Friend Eat More Protein Vanquish Hunger With Volumetrics Weigh Yourself Weekly Go Nuts Count Calories Opt For A Healthy Vacation Combat Stress Stock Your Kitchen Healthy Doesn’t Mean Low Calorie Sack The Sugar Put It In A Bowl And So many, many more -


(100 Unique Videos in Total)


How Long Are The Videos and Are They HD?


There are 100 videos in total, and each one of them is between 7 and 33 seconds – perfect bite-sized tips and advice.


And YES! They are ALL HD 1280 x 720 resolution.


What Can Whiteboard Videos Be Used For?


Use them for traffic generation.


Post them on video sharing sites, blogs etc. Use with good titles and descriptions for great SEO.


Build an email list.


Offer people a “Free Weight Loss Course” and drip feed each video out in an autoresponder. One every three or four days would be nearly a year long course!


Use on Social Media.


Great content for Facebook pages or Twitter accounts.


Bonuses for your own products.


Stack the value by adding in these videos as a bonus for your own product.


Create products from them!


Create a membership site, a DVD product or a mobile App on iOS, Android or Windows mobile.


Use them on your client sites.


Perhaps you have weight loss or personal trainer clients that you provide marketing services or web site design for?


When You Order,


Here’s What You’ll Get: == 100 royalty-free whiteboard videos…


featuring 100 different weight loss tips.


Frankly, some whiteboard videos just don’t meet my exacting standard, but ALL of these do.


So I made sure every single one was created using a WELL WRITTEN SCRIPT, high quality VECTOR graphics, and they’ve all been checked for quality by me and my team.


And, you can sleep easy at night knowing that all the elements used in the videos have FULL RIGHTS, I own the elements, so I can be 100% sure about that. ==


All videos are in MP4 format and are High Definition 1280 x 720 pixels in size.


Some done-for-you video packages give you videos that are too small and blurry to be of any real use.


But my videos are good enough for virtually ANY purpose.


REMEMBER: You will also get Two Professionally written "Weight Loss" Ebooks, a nine Part Audio MP3 Weight Loss Course and well over 500+ Professionally Written Weight Loss Reports for use on Blogs, in emails and on your websites etc.



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