Included in this preset + overlay pack are 4 versions of classic film effects including:
- Cinema Fade (in & out)
- Cinema Zoom (in & out)
- Cinematic Desaturate
- HD Enhance (Clarity)
- 4 versions of Crops bars (2:39 and 1:85 in 4K and HD)
*You must be working with footage that is the same dimensions as your sequece for these effects to work properly.
*Presets ONLY work in Premiere Pro CC (2017 or later)
*All Crop bar overlays will work with any editing program
*I added a separate zoom in and out preset folder just in case the original zooms don't show up. If they still dont show up after importing, thye may not be compatible with earlier versions of Premiere Pro
Install through your effects panel by right-clicking panel settings and selecting "import presets" as seen below

If you enjoy, make sure to subscribe and check out some of my premium editing packs here on the store! video above for instructions.