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Module 04 Post-Assessment Part 2 Dice Game in CPP Solution

Write a program that plays a simple dice game between the computer and the user.
When the program runs, a loop should repeat 10 times. Each iteration of the loop
should do the following:
 Generate a random integer in the range of 1 through 6. This is the value of the computer’s die.
 Generate another random integer in the range of 1 through 6. This is the value of the user’s die.
 The die with the highest value wins. (In case of a tie, there is no winner for that particular roll of the dice.)
As the loop iterates, the program should keep count of the number of times the
computer wins, and the number of times that the user wins. After the loop performs all of its iterations, the program should display who was the grand winner, the computer or
the user.

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