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Taurus Astro Nidra - Awaken the 5 Senses - Music by Geoff Agosti (2019)

Taurus, ruled by Venus, governing the 5 senses in our body is the new home to Uranus for the next seven years. We can expect an awakening this Taurus Season. First the Sun conjuncts Uranus, then the moon just before she goes new, then Mercury and Venus make the same transit. All the personal planets with the exception of Mars are making a conjunction with Uranus during Taurus Season.

Thus, in this practice, we indulge in our senses and by doing so, learn to live in a more subtle expression of them. I've often wondered why we call them our Higher Senses, when more accurately put, they are our Inner Senses.  Allow this Astro Nidra to take you underneath the noise of the mind and into the wisdom of the subtle body.

Art by: @cosmic_collage
Soundscapes by Geoff Agosti

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