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Week 2: Individual: Loops Solution

Write a for loop which displays every third number beginning with ten and continuing to 100, inclusive of 10 and 100. Next write a while loop which displays every third number beginning with ten and continuing to 100, inclusive of 10 and 100. Next write a do-while loop which displays every third number beginning with ten and continuing to 100, inclusive of 10 and 100. This program may be a console application or a Windows Forms application, and note that only one program should be submitted - thus all three loops will be in the one program. No matter whether you choose to develop a Windows Forms application or a console application, be sure the interface is professional looking and intuitive to use for the novice end user. Include identifying information in the form of block comments at the top of each class in the project (programmer name, date, program description). Include adequate comments throughout the program, utilize meaningful names for controls, variables, fields, and forms. Include white space for readability purposes in the code.

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