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Mind Hacker Intruder Spybot Exterminator Mp3

DrVirtual7 Audio Frequencies.

🎧 Listen one hour four times a week for two months then 2 times a week for maintenance.

► No subliminal messages - unique blend of isochronic + sound bowls in various keys -healing frequencies in fire sounds.

Get extra rest if needed and flush with the best water available.

► Possible effects in the first few days-
Multiple dream over laps this occurs as you flush hundreds of thousands of collective thoughts and other persons dream time experiences + synthetic realities & thoughts that are not your own.

In the dream time much purging will take place do not try to intercept or stop the cleansing as it may get intense with what appears as crazy or chaotic dreams that don't make any sense this is normal just let it flow out.

Headphones earbuds speakers optional.

●Voice to skull
●Soul stealing
●Mind swiping
●Digital djinn
●Chatter box
●Synthetic telepathy
●Collective dream flushing
●Apex sabotage
●Astral negative entities
●Hive mind synthetic reality
●Covert transhumanism
●Synthetic optics
●Zombie brain parasite seeding
●Energetic cord linking vampires
●Collective thought flushing
●Organic portal synthetic reality
●Military black psyop spybot intrusion
●Covert methods of mind control
●Directed energy weapons
●Electromagnetic directed weapon brain assault

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