Preview: This video would be priced $15, but is priced at only $9 because it is slightly blurry.
Suzana and Helena - two well known names within the long hair community.
Having a lot of passion for long hair as well as massive knowledge, Suzana and Helena loves having long hair, growing long hair, and playing with long hair.
Being long hair models are their dreams, and they love showcasing their beauty to other people.
Both have classic length hair, and they are often referred to as "goddesses" by many people.
It´s not hard to see why. Two young, very beautiful and happy girls with amazing and healthy long hair is a very natural and beautiful sight.
One very important thing to mention is also that they are incredible girls with a great attitude, and we absolutely love to work with them!
This is a video where Suzana is the model being the main model who´s hair is played and pampered with.
Helena´s favorite thing is to play with Suzana´s hair.
1 kg. (over 2 pounds) of thick, very long, silky and shiny brunette hair that runs through her fingers like water, and that looks like the most beautiful waterfall in the world, that´s Suzana´s hair and Helena is a big fan of her hair, and she asks Suzana for help when she needs any hair advices.
Suzana´s hair is perfect in every way, and it is the ultimate mane for hair play.
Double buns, a big, super heavy bun, brushing, a lot of hair talking, running fingers through Suzana´s hair, a massive ponytail, braiding a very beautiful braid, braid around her neck and hair parting is some of the things and hair play methods you will see in this video.
This video is over 14 minutes in length.
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