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MATRIX Manifest Meditation - Law of Attraction Meditation

Welcome to the Matrix Manifest Program. This may be difficult to understand and It may take some time to accept this truth, but the reality you think you live in, is in fact a computer program called the Matrix. The world you know, the life you live, is merely an image created in your own mind, electrical signals interpreted by your brain.

In the Matrix, We have been made to believe that this world we live in consists of limits and rules. But the truth is we have the ability to access, manipulate, create, the reality that you want simply by seeing it, and believing it in your own mind.  They have repressed the reality that we are limitless beings. Because we have been trained our whole lives to have these limiting beliefs, it can be very difficult for the conscious and unconscious mind to believe anything different.

Luckily, we have created our own computer program called the construct which you will have access to here in a moment. Just Know, that when you enter the construct, there will be no limits. You will have the ability to create the reality you choose. The ability to create anything you want. And when you awaken, the world you created in the construct will resemble the world you wake up to in the matrix.