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Ultimate Radio Directory April 2024

Get ready to amplify your music career with our Ultimate Radio Directory, the game-changing tool you need to launch your music on the radio airwaves.

This comprehensive guide is a result of combining our renowned Indie Radio and Country Radio directories. It’s a powerhouse of information, offering you access to an expansive, up-to-date network of radio contacts across various genres.

Whether you're a rookie or a seasoned musician, navigating the radio industry can be a challenge. That’s why we’ve put in countless hours of research to curate a list of the most influential commercial, non-commercial, college, and public radio stations in the USA. We’ve made the search for the right contacts easier, so you can focus on what you do best - making great music!

🎸 Indie Radio Segment:

This part of the directory brings you in touch with over 500 influential commercial specialty, non-commercial college, and public radio stations in North America. Enjoy access to:

500+ Influential Radio Stations
Names of the Program Director, Music Director, and relevant DJs
1,300+ Current and Operational Email Addresses
Comprehensive Station Information: Website, Phone Number, Social Media Contact, Station Format, Station Category, Location, Description, and Station Mailing Address.

🤠 Country Radio Segment:

If country music resonates with your soul, our directory has you covered. Get connected with over 160 country radio stations monitored by MediaBase. The Country Radio Directory includes:

All influential decision-makers at Country Radio
Direct emails of Program Directors and Music Directors
Station Information: Website, Phone number, Social media contact, and Station mailing address.

All stations listed in our Ultimate Radio Directory are tracked by MediaBase and categorized into various formats:


AAA, Alternative, Active, Active Rock, and Country.

With the Ultimate Radio Directory in your hands, you're just a step away from rocketing your music into the stratosphere. Let the world reverberate with your unique sound!


As a special introductory offer, we're giving you a whopping 25% off on your purchase of the Ultimate Radio Directory. But don't wait - this offer won't last forever. Use the code RADIO25 at checkout to avail of this exclusive discount. Hurry, your shot at global airplay is just a click away, and this limited-time offer ends soon. We can't wait to see your music soar!