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CSCI 4000 Assignment 1

The main programming language for this assignment should be PHP (mixed with HTML and CSS). If you do not use PHP, you will get 0 points. When you see “Richard Ricardo” in the example screen captures, change it to . When you see “Richard” in the example screen captures, change it to . If you do not put / in the above mentioned fields, you will get 0 points for the question(s). No two students should submit webpages with exactly the same code, content, layout, or color combination. If found, both students will get 0 points. Create a folder on your hard disk, name the folder lastname_firstname_assignment1. Save all the files from this assignment in this folder
Create the following subfolders (in the folder lastname_firstname_assignment1): q1, q2, q3. As a result, you should have the following folder (directory) structure for this assignment:  lastname_firstname_assignment1\q1\ lastname_firstname_assignment1\q2\  lastname_firstname_assignment1\q3\ Use XAMPP web server solution stack package to help debugging PHP code. It will make your debugging process easier. All php files must not produce any error, or any warning (-2 points for each error, each warning). Your program must run. A program that does not run will get at most 50% of the possible points. All files must begin with a comment that identifies the author, the course code, and the program date (- 2 points each question if found missing). All html, css and php files must be clearly documented (commented). Points will be taken off (-2 points each question) for insufficient comments (, /* */, //).  Before adding PHP code, all html files must pass html validation at without any error (and with only 1 warning).  When you view page source in a web browser, must be at the top of every page. In other words, all pages must be written in HTML5. (-20 points if not) o You can put php code before . o You cannot put html code before .  All css files must pass css validation at without any error. (-2 points for each error/warning, only 1 warning is allowed for html validator)

Question 1 – PHP Chapter 2 (33 points) Estimated time: 3 hours
 Save the files in subfolder “lastname_firstname_assignment1\q1\”. (1 point) Create a web page to capture information about your vehicle. The initial page should look like the one shown below. (3 points) Allow the user to enter the information to the five textboxes. (5 points) Create your pages using “<your name’s Vehicle Page” as the page titles (<title tag). (2 points) Save the first page as index.htm (2 points). Use a HTML form to capture user input. Submit the form to asecond file index_process.php using the POST Method. (5 points) The second page index_process.php will then be updated as shown. It contains a link to go back to thefirst page. (10 points) Create a css file named style.css to format all pages by creating your own layout (no two students shouldhave the same layout). You can use the same (or similar) css file(s) to format all questions. (5 points)
Question 2 – PHP Chapter 2 & 8 (33 points) Estimated time: 3 hours
 Save the files in subfolder “lastname_firstname_assignment1\q2\”. (1 point) Create web page(s) that displays the cost of a soccer ticket as shown. (4 points) Allow user to enter his or her age. (2 points) The output should be a message telling the user what the customer’s soccer ticket will cost, based on thefollowing criteria: (12 points for logic)o Under age 5 (age < 5), cost is $2o Between ages 5 and 15, cost is $6o Older than 15 (age 15), cost is $8 Create your pages using “<your name’s Soccer Ticket Price” as the page titles (<title tag). (4 points) Save the first page as index.htm. Use an HTML form to capture user input. Submit the form to a secondfile index_process.php using the GET method. (5 points) The second page index_process.php will then be updated as shown. It contains a link to go back to thefirst page. (5 points) Create a css file named style.css to format all pages by creating your own layout (no two students shouldhave the same layout). You can use the same (or similar) css file(s) to format all questions. (5 points)
Question 3 – PHP Chapter 2 & 8 (34 points) Estimated time: 3 hours
 Save the files in subfolder “lastname_firstname_assignment1\q3\”. (1 point) Create a web page that displays the default information (example shown). The initial page and related outputs should look like the examples shown below. (4 points) Create your pages using “<your name’s Kung Fu Panda Po Power Level” as the page titles (<title tag).(4 points) Allow the user to enter a number representing Kung Fu Panda Po's power level (2 points). The power level conversions are as follows: (12 points for logic)o less than 0: Po eats too much noodleo 0 to 200: Po reaches the training hallo 201 to 400: Po reaches the student barrackso 401 to 600: Po reaches the Peach Tree of Heavenly Wisdomo 601 to 800: Po climbs the Wu Da Mountainso 801 to 1000: Po trains at the Pool of Sacred Tearso Greater than 1000: Po defeats Tai Lung Save the first page as index.htm. Use a HTML form to capture user input. Submit the form to a second file index_process.php using the GET method. (5 points)  The second page index_process.php will then be updated as shown. It contains a link to go back to the first page. (5 points)  Create a css file named style.css to format all pages by creating your own layout (no two students should have the same layout). You can use the same (or similar) css file(s) to format all questions. (5 points)

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