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400 : Miss Iris goes to the festival - Part 1

Price € 15,00 Playtime: 17:05 Min
Size 1,20 GB Frame: 1280 x 720 Filetype: mp4
Added on July 29, 2018

Finally the working hour is over and Miss Iris can finally go to an amazing festival driving her old Fiat Tipo, a rusty and “over-kilometred” car!

As usual, she has to crank the car as hell, and after few attempts … gosh, she forgot to put her black net stockings on! They are a must for a gothic festival!

She sit again on the driver seat and the cranking simphony continues until the car starts finally spluttering … that’s a good sign !!

Finally the old and tired engine fire up and Miss Iris gives it a short but very good revving! It should be warm enough and Miss Iris wants to make a quick test drive to see it everything  works as it should but…
strange things happens today … the gear seems to have some problems and the engine also is not running properly …

But she’s late already,  she decides to take the road for the festival … hoping that her Fiat Tipo will not make other strange tricks!!