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HW3 – Reducing Complexity with Appropriate Use Design Patterns

In this assignment, you will build a simply drawing program that allows a user to paint a scheme with instances of different kinds of objects. You can choose what kind of drawing program to create and what kinds of objects to have in the user’s palette. For example, you might decide to develop a program is for drawing painting, and therefore give the user some pre-defined high-level objects, like a mountain, a tree, a house, a cloud, etc. If your program is for drawing cartoon characters, you might want to include a head, eyes, noses, ears, mouths, etc. If your program is for drawing UML class diagrams, you would want your palette to include class symbols, binary associations, specializations, etc. The objects represented in the palette can be complex objects with significant amounts of intrinsic state information and some extrinsic state information.

Functional Requirements
1. The user should be able to create a new drawing at any time, through either a menu option or a
1.1. On creation, the user should be able to select an initial background color or image that fills the
entire drawing space.
2. The user should able to create instance of object types from a palette and place them on the
drawing. You are free to decide what drawings your program with make and therefore what kinds
of objects your program will support.
2.1. Your program must allow the user to instantiate and places at least six different kinds of objects
on drawing.
3. The user should be able to select an existing object on the drawing and perform an action on that
3.1. The user should be able to move the selected object on the drawing
3.2. The user should be able to remove the selected object from the drawing
3.3. The user should be able to scale the object
3.4. If applicable, the user should be able to change other properties of the object, like its line color
or fill color
3.5. The user could be able to duplicate a selected object
4. The UI should allow multiple gestures (keystrokes, mouse movements, and button clicks) for some
of the actions.
5. The system should keep a history of actions (commands) that the user performs to since the
drawing was created or last opened.
6. The user must be able to undo previous drawing actions in reverse order, all the way back to the
initial drawing creation or opening of the drawing.
7. The user should be able to save a drawing in a persistent store and re-open it later
7.1. A saved drawing should be a set of objects (with their state information), not a bitmap
7.2. The persistent store should be either a database in a cloud (e.g., the AWS RDB services) or a
serialized object in a cloud (e.g., the AWS S3 services)
8. The user should be able to open a saved drawing.
To build this system, you will need to do the following:
1. Decide what you’d like your drawing program to be for, e.g. landscapes, people, blueprints, a type of
UML diagram, or something else of interest to you.
2. Design your system. Look for good opportunities to apply the singleton, factory, flyweight,
command, and undo patterns. Also, don’t forget about the other patterns that you’ve learned, like
strategy, decorator, and observer. Use the patterns to help manage the inherent complexity of the
problem and eliminate accidental complexity.
2.1. Be sure to separate your GUI Layer from your Application Logic Layer. The classes that
represent your drawing or the objects in your drawing should in your Application Logic layer
and should not need to depend on your GUI components.
3. Implement and test the classes in your Application Logic Layer. Your unit tests for the components
in this layer must be executable and thorough
4. Implement your GUI
5. Test your software at the system level using ad hoc testing methods

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