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The Assignment 8 class displays a menu of choices to a user and performs the chosen task. It will keep asking a user to enter the next choice until the choice of 'Q' (Quit) is entered. It will create an object of BankSystem containing a list of banks and customers, and perform insertion, deletion, search, sorting, displaying, closing, writing to a file,and reading from a file. The Address class describes city and state of a bank. It will be used as an aggregate object of the Bank class. It has following attributes:|| Constructor method to initialize intance variables.|| Accessor method:This method returns the city of the address|| This method returns the state of the address.|| Modifier method: This method sets the city of the address given by its parameter.|| This method sets the state of the address by its parameter.|| This method return a string containing the attribute information in address|| create a BankSystem object. This is used throughout this class.|| create a BufferedReader object to read input from a keyboard|| check if a user entered only one character|| ADD your code to add a Customer object|| ADD your code to add a Bank object|| ADD your code to check the existence of a Customer object|| ADD your code to check the existence of a Bank object|| ADD your code to print out the list of Customers|| ADD your code to print out the list of Customers|| ADD your code to print out the list of Banks|| ADD your code to sort the list of Customers|| ADD your code to sort the list of Banks|| ADD your code to remove a Customer|| code to remove a Bank|| code to close the bank system|| code to write a text (string) to the specified file. Catch exceptions.|| code to read a text (string) from the specified file. Catch exceptions.|| code to write the bank system object to the specified file. Catch exceptions.|| code to read a bank system object from the specified file. Catch exceptions.|| It represents a bank account. The class Bank contains information about a bank that a customer can have an account with.|| Constructor method to set up the new Bank object, storing initial values|| method returns the name of the bank.|| method returns the id of the bank.|| method returns the address of the bank.|| method sets the name of a bank given by its parameter.|| method sets the id of a bank given by its parameter.|| method sets the address of a bank given by its parameters.|| method returns a String containing attribute(variable) values of a bank.|| The BankParser class contains a static method parseStringToBank that takes a string containing a bank's information and create a bank object from it.|| create a Bank object using extracted information.|| create a copy of customerList as an array|| search each index for the customerID|| if the last index of the array does not equal s, then return -1|| sort customers|| if the last index of the array does not equal s, then return -1|| The Customer class describes a customer entity and contains attributes first name, last name, customer ID, and cash amount.It also contains the accessors and the modifiers of each attribute.|| constructor method to initialize each instance variable|| The next four methods are accessor method for each instance variable.|| This is a utility class that takes a string containing a customer's information and parse it to create a customer object.|| get a combination of first name and last name|| get an customer ID|| get a cash amount A utility class that will sort the customer list and the bank list

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