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Recursively checks an array for certain numbers and sums

Recursively checks an array for certain numbers and sums while the last number is not 0, put new number into an array Call the recursive methods and show thier output once end of recusive calls is made, return the number at the index call method recursively if the last number is greater than the current number, then return the current number as the smallest if the last number was smaller, return that instead once the last index is reached, see if it can be divided by 3, if not do not add it to the sum call the method recursively if the number at the current index is divisible by 3, add it to the sum once the last index is reached, return 0 because the first index is not off call the method recursively if the index is odd, add its number to the sum, otherwise skip it once the last index is reached, see if the number is positive, if it is add 1 to the count total if the number is positive, add 1 to the count total

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