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Calling in the beloved 4 week course..Twin Flame mastery course

This is a taster of the course not the full course 


Ascension mastery and twin flame mastery. A four week course to learn practical tools to change your vibration and stabilize in 5d consciousness, which automatically FastTracks you to union with your twin flame on all planes  of consciousness.

Dear ones I would like to take this opportunity to offer sincere gratitude to all of you who have signed up to participate in this extremely powerful four week course. It is advised that you approach this level of retraining your consciousness with a 100% commitment as the more that you can show up for this level of enquiry and transformation the swifter and more easeful this shift will manifest in your reality.

The course comes in four parts. Each part of the course will include a darshan (which is a sacred discourse on the week's subject matter), an extremely powerful visualisation, and will also include homework for you to carry out in that week. It is advisable to choose one day a week to receive each individual part and then work with that part for 7 days, i.e. Listen to the discourse do the visualisation and do the homework everyday for 7 days.

The whole purpose of the course is to educate you and remind you that in order to fully stabilise in higher dimensional consciousness it is absolutely imperative that you are empowered to take actions every single day that are in alignment with 5D consciousness. I invite you to open your heart and open your palms to receive this guidance, as for many of you this is what your higher selves are very much wanting to deliver to you at this particular conjecture on your evolutionary cycle,  and for many of you, you will find, that following through with The teachings of this course will be the answer to your deepest prayers.

It is time now for those who promised to be the illuminated ones, the enlightened ones and the wayshowers to step forward now embodying their full spiritual mastery.

Please know that all of the codes and vibrations contained in this sacred offering have been designed to specifically bring you into alignment with the frequency of the true living master that you have come here to be namaste


Week 1. Your homework for week 1 is to make the commitment to the 28 day process and write a letter from mother father God to the child that you are, and as this message comes through from the eternal divine creator of all that is allow yourself to be open to receive this message without censorship or control or the belief that this is simply just my imagination allow the message to come directly from your heart remembering that mother father God communicates through feelings impressions visions and occasionally words i.e. The human imagination.

Week2. Your homework for week 2 is to remember every morning. when you awaken to create your intentions for the day ahead. Believe six impossible things before breakfast just like the queen in Alice in Wonderland. Remembering that this is a critical time to work with the law of attraction energies in the morning when you first wake up, as the veil between the realms is extremely thin at this time, and the veil between the conscious and the unconscious is almost non existent.  You are being asked to utilise the zero. Point Field of consciousness that is thirsty willing and ready to receive your sacred intentions through setting your daily intentions upon waking.

This week your homework is also to begin practicing gratitude whenever you remember to do so in your day, when you are driving along or waiting to pick up your children or simply have a peaceful moment.  choose 10 things to be grateful for and commit to this practice not only for the duration of the course but for every day for the rest of your life, remembering that this is a life time practice that you need to commit to if you are really committed to stabilising in 5D consciousness and emanating a frequency of one who is in full alignment with her original God self radiance. This may sound simple but it cannot be reiterated enough how important and powerful this practise is for the soul. Dearest ones please know that this is a training system that will raise your vibration exponentially.  Every day you must focus on gratitude focus on being grateful,  know you are deeply supported in this course by me and your spirit guides and all the other beloveds who have stepped into the vortex to activate this level of transformation.

Week3. Dearest ones This week's homework appears to be simple in description and nature however the potency of this practise cannot be reiterated enough, and is the most important spiritual practise I work with in my own life, that has enabled me to be totally stable in 5d consciousness for 4 years now….and the practise is...When ever you naturally  remember to do so in your day, stop thinking and align your consciousness to the present moment, feel the carpet under your toes, or the sensation of your hands on the driving wheel, or the breath going in and out of your mouth, just stop thinking for a short moment. You must prioritise and commit to this high-level spiritual practice if you wish to stabilise in enlightened consciousness, remembering that this is the practice that the most highly evolved spiritual masters on the planet today are working with and the importance of this practice cannot possibly be stressed enough.  This one and only practice on its own is enough to raise your vibration to an extremely high level.

Week 4. Your Homework this week is to remember that as you step out into the world, show up as one who is aligned to source energy within, and in your full radiance, remembering that radiance isn't a state that is reached once everything falls into place on the 3D Realm. You are being asked to remember that it is a choice that you make in each moment to show up as the embodiment of one who remembers the divine eternal self and therefore shows up in service to all, radiating high vibrations kindness and connection regardless of what is is occurring in your 3D reality.

Homework for week 4 is to commit to the practise of resting as awareness for short moments when ever you naturally remember to do so throughout your day, And also commit to a life long habit of practising gratitude everyday. Remembering when you are driving along, or waiting for a bus, or walking down the street to choose at least 10 things in your life to be grateful for, and going on rampages of gratitude regularly.

Also your homework is to listen to the darshan and do the visualisation everyday for 7 days.

Week 1 darshan

In week one we will address the fact that it is only through the realisation that what you are seeking is yourself and your eternal union with God that creates the vibrational frequency that Magnetises the twin flame into the physical form. The 3d illusion would have you believe that it is something that is external from yourself that will deliver you to salvation, but nothing could be further from the truth. You will be reminded that you promised your twin flame that you would wake up from samsara's illusory spell to the remembrance that it is your duty as an angelic galactic citizen to remember who you truly are on all planes of consciousness, that your beloved would be set free.Please listen to and receive this powerful darshan and allow all your cells to absorb the frequency of this deep soul based guidance. In this part of the course you will be guided to remember that you are always empowered to choose how you show up in the world. Do you choose to show up as one with an empty cup begging the external world to fill you up or do you show up overflowing, in radiance and in alignment with the source being that you are.  

week 1 visualisation ...

a visualisation that will assist you on a deep level to make these life changing shifts that the course promises to deliver, if you show up  with a high level of commitment. In this visualisation you will be guided on an extremely powerful journey to activate the completion of the book of your life thus far and the aspect of your consciousness that has been locked into and identified with the 3-D matrix system. It is essential for the birthing into the new paradigm, that the old 3d matrix timeline is fully completes, and that this instruction is communicated to the subconscious mind, This visualisation is so powerful, and will insure you are truly ready to fully ground in 5d frequencies, which are your birthright.  You will be guided on a life changing visualisation that will communicate directly to your subconscious mind informing it that you are now fully willing to open up to the next level of your life and vibration which is the aspects of yourself that is fully stabilised in 5D consciousness

Week 1 homework

Your homework for week 1 is to make the commitment to the 28 day process and write a letter from mother father God to the child that you are, and as this message comes through from the eternal divine creator of all that is allow yourself to be open to receive this message without censorship or control or the belief that this is simply just my imagination allow the message to come directly from your heart remembering that mother father God communicates through feelings impressions visions and occasionally words i.e. The human imagination.


Week 2 darshan

Discourse on the imagination. This discourse contains information reminding you that The imagination is the direct link to God consciousness the mind of God and it is through our imagination that we access our multidimensionality. You will be reminded that it is your own sovereign choice whether you choose to believe the imagination or not. The imagination is Eye magic and refers to  the eye that sees with singularity. In this discourse you will be powerfully reminded to remember that the imagination is never ever random.

Week 2 visualisation.

In this  visualisation you will be guided to an enchanted fairy forest whereby you will receive the brand-new book of your life from Archangel Raphael. this book has come forth from your higher self to remind you that it you are always empowered to choose what to create on each page of the new book.

This is one of the most powerful visualisation the soul consciousness can experience whilst in physical form and will activate life changing transformation for all those who do it..

Week 2 homework

Your homework for week 2 is to remember every morning. when you awaken to create your intentions for the day ahead. Believe six impossible things before breakfast just like the queen in Alice in Wonderland. Remembering that this is a critical time to work with the law of attraction energies in the morning when you first wake up, as the veil between the realms is extremely thin at this time, and the veil between the conscious and the unconscious is almost non existent.  You are being asked to utilise the zero. Point Field of consciousness that is thirsty willing and ready to receive your sacred intentions through setting your daily intentions upon waking.

This week your homework is also to begin practicing gratitude whenever you remember to do so in your day, when you are driving along or waiting to pick up your children or simply have a peaceful moment.  choose 10 things to be grateful for and commit to this practice not only for the duration of the course but for every day for the rest of your life, remembering that this is a life time practice that you need to commit to if you are really committed to stabilising in 5D consciousness and emanating a frequency of one who is in full alignment with her original God self radiance. This may sound simple but it cannot be reiterated enough how important and powerful this practise is for the soul. Dearest ones please know that this is a training system that will raise your vibration exponentially.  Every day you must focus on gratitude focus on being grateful,  know you are deeply supported in this course by me and your spirit guides and all the other beloveds who have stepped into the vortex to activate this level of transformation.

The new Earth paradigm is synonymous with spiritual mastery and alignment. Please note also that I have sent forth angelic energetics to all the participants who sign up to do this course…... what this means is that I have created a high angelic morphic field that is holding energetic space for your complete alignment into 5D consciousness.

Week 3 darshan

I am blue sky consciousness….in part three you will be introduced to the life changing practice of resting as awareness for short moments when ever you naturally remember to do so. and you will be asked to deeply commit to this practice in order that you may retrain the ego mind to realise that the divine presence is the master self and not the ego identity. This practice is by far the most important master key towards full and complete self realisation on all planes of consciousness. It is imperative on the path of self mastery that the mind is shown that it is the vibrational reality of no mind the Gap and heart knowing that must be in command on one's evolutionary journey.  In this part of the course you will receive a high level initiation into the practise of stopping thinking for short moments which is the single most powerful action you can take to stabilise in 5 d consciousness. Remembering that 5d consciousness can only be accessed when u place your awareness on the gap/ the present moment as the 3D mind needs to be transcended in order to  access higher dimensional reality.

Week 3 visualisation

in this visualisation your vibration will be attuned to come into harmonic resonance with the source being that you truly are. This activation contains potent awakening codes that communicate specifically to the pineal  gland informing it to release the infinity codes that are stored there.. like all the other visualisation MP3s that are part of the course it is important that you receive this download for seven days in a row in order to deeply support your consciousness to receive and allow these upgraded instructions /directions /vibrational attunements to enable them to fully settle into your energy field.

Week 3 Homework

Dearest ones This week's homework appears to be simple in description and nature however the potency of this practise cannot be reiterated enough, and is the most important spiritual practise I work with in my own life, that has enabled me to be totally stable in 5d consciousness for 4 years now….and the practise is...When ever you naturally  remember to do so in your day, stop thinking and align your consciousness to the present moment, feel the carpet under your toes, or the sensation of your hands on the driving wheel, or the breath going in and out of your mouth, just stop thinking for a short moment. You must prioritise and commit to this high-level spiritual practice if you wish to stabilise in enlightened consciousness, remembering that this is the practice that the most highly evolved spiritual masters on the planet today are working with and the importance of this practice cannot possibly be stressed enough.  This one and only practice on its own is enough to raise your vibration to an extremely high level.

Week 4 darshan

Alchemy of shadow….. Meeting, loving and dissolving the shadow back into the Christed self.

In this section of the course you will receive a powerful discourse reminding you that you cannot hold space for another until you can truly hold space for your own shadow self. You will be reminded to  remember that all aspects of the self are holy and worthy of love. This is such a huge aspect of the Ascension process and it involves alchemising the shadow aspect back into love, as in the Ascension process every single aspect of one's consciousness is required to be met and subsumed by the light of truth. in the Ascension process every single aspect of the self must be gathered up by the light and ultimately returned home to the light.  Whenever you bring an aspect of the shadow self home to eternal love this activates the codes of deep beauty, radiance, and eternal youth to turn on within your bodily system.

When you love and accept your own shadow this sends out a tone via your electric magnetic field that is picked up on immediately by your twin flame and informs him or her that you are truly ready vibrationally for union.

Week 4 Visualisation

In this visualisation you will be shown a tool that enables you to activate the most extraordinary levels of spiritual protection in your energy field. You will be introduced to the protection bubble, whereby you will be guided to sit inside, and then activate the violet soap suds, sent forth to cleanse any misaligned energy, false beliefs, ancestral burdens, or other people's “stuff” from your energy field, You will also receive your blue cloak of protection from AA Michael, and receive a light language dispensation to fully actualise the highest spiritual protection that is possible on the planet today. Those who are drawn to work with myself Matahariji are highly empathic, sensitive and advanced beings and as such are quite likely to easily pick up on other people's energies, therefore it is imperative that you remember to work daily with this spiritual protection visualisation.

Homework week 4

Your Homework this week is to remember that as you step out into the world, show up as one who is aligned to source energy within, and in your full radiance, remembering that radiance isn't a state that is reached once everything falls into place on the 3D Realm. You are being asked to remember that it is a choice that you make in each moment to show up as the embodiment of one who remembers the divine eternal self and therefore shows up in service to all, radiating high vibrations kindness and connection regardless of what is is occurring in your 3D reality.

Homework for week 4 is to commit to the practise of resting as awareness for short moments when ever you naturally remember to do so throughout your day, And also commit to a life long habit of practising gratitude everyday. Remembering when you are driving along, or waiting for a bus, or walking down the street to choose at least 10 things in your life to be grateful for, and going on rampages of gratitude regularly.

Also your homework is to listen to the darshan and do the visualisation everyday for 7 days.

Blessed be

Dear ones If you follow the guidance here your vibration will attune and stabilize in 5d consciousness, and one of the main purposes of this 4 week course is to remind you that enlightenment/spiritual awakening/stabilizing in 5d consciousness is an active process, Every single day you are being called to make choices, and take actions that demonstrate to your higher self that you take full responsibility for your awakening process, This is imperative dear ones. The difference with this course and so many is that you are actually receiving powerful instructions that you must take in order to make this a living reality this is not an intellectual process this is a process that requires direct life changing actions every single day.. If you are deeply committed to stabilizing in 5d and thus becoming the vibrational match to your twin flame union on all planes of consciousness, You have to be active, and take actions every single day, Laziness is not synonymous with enlightened consciousness… Hope this is clear dear ones.. Blessed be